runoff streams

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Monday morning at breakfast Sirius decided he wanted to talk

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Monday morning at breakfast Sirius decided he wanted to talk.

I entered the Great Hall at around 7 with Marlene, Lily and Alice, as per usual. We were engaging in a light conversation about the upcoming Herbology lesson, which we were told would have something to do with Snargaluff plants. At the end of the Gryffindor table sat Sirius, Remus, James, and Peter, three of whom were conversing as well; Sirius being the silent onlooker who shifted nervously in his chair with a grim expression.

We did not sit with them, though, as had been the new custom for the past two days. We took a spot further down the table, continuing our discussion without looking over at the boys.

"Valerie said her class dealt with them on Friday," said Alice nervously. The girl she was referring to was a Ravenclaw from the second Herbology section. A Ravenclaw whom I had never met personally, but knew from the party Friday night. I poured myself some water, a strange heat washing over me as I pictured her and Remus tangled together along the wall, me opposite the two of them with my own partner...

"Um, Syd? Could we chat?" Sirius. Suddenly my drink was coughed up all over the table.

"No can do buddy," Marlene exclaimed quickly as Lily and I rushed to mop up the water. The blonde rose to steer Sirius away, but my eyes met his and some remaining feelings drew me in. Maybe a talk would resolve things.

"It's okay, Mar," I smiled slightly at her, standing up and following the boy into the hallway. I could feel 6 pairs of eyes watching us leave from both ends of the long table.

We entered the scene of our break up and walked over to one wall, sliding down to sit. Sirius looked me over, opening the door for all of my old feelings to rush back.

"How are you?" I asked genuinely. I couldn't tell if he was even slightly hurt, especially considering he thought I was having some sort of affair with his best friend.

He opened his mouth to speak but before he could a couple of second year Slytherins came around the corner laughing loudly and drawing his attention.

"Oi!" He called to them. Their smiles dropped instantly. "C'mere," he ordered, motioning one over.

The rest of the Slytherins scattered nervously into the dining hall, leaving their friend betrayed and scared shitless. He made his way over slowly.

"What's so funny?" Sirius snapped, I was nervous for the small boy.

"Um," He crumpled a small piece of paper in his hand but Sirius snatched it away. As he read it over, his expression hardened and he rose to his feet, towering over the second year. I stood up as well and Sirius handed me the paper so I could read it as he continued his interrogation.

"Where did you get this?" The sheet contained a list of names that I didn't recognize as well as a strange symbol at the bottom of a skull and a snake.

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