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Quidditch tryouts were on Friday, thanks to James I would never forget this fact, and I was working harder than ever

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Quidditch tryouts were on Friday, thanks to James I would never forget this fact, and I was working harder than ever. This proved extremely difficult with ten classes to manage as well as a very clingy Sirius.

"Take a walk with me," he pleaded on Wednesday as we departed from Transfiguration.

"Thank you, Professor!" I called over my shoulder, shoving my various pages and books into my bag. "You know I can't," I turned to the boy beside me, his large grey eyes falling sadly. "You're welcome to come to the library with me before I meet James," I proposed.

"You always say that I'm too distracting," he pouted. I laughed, he always resembled a small child when he was upset like this.

"Well that's because you spend your time making origami butterflies and flying them around me rather than studying."

"But you look so pretty when they land in your hair!" He protested.

"It's a wonder you ever get any work done," I shook my head and kissed his cheek as we split ways.

I entered the library and took a seat by Marlene, who had her head buried in a History of Magic book.

"Hello there," the girl beside her said softly. She was slim and beautiful. She had long curly hair and a row of golden necklaces. Her fingers were lined with large rings to match and her nails were painted the same coat of red as her lips. "I'm Dorcas," she reached out her hand and I took it.

"Sydney, so glad to officially meet you." She shot a playful look at Marlene who barely looked up from the book.

"Marls here isn't particularly good with introductions, is she?" She asked. I shook my head with a smile.

"Hm?" The blonde glanced up at the sound of her name. "Oh, hey Syd!" I laughed and Dorcas smiled fondly, petting Marlene's hair.

"Well, so happy you've decided to join us, darling!" Marlene rolled her eyes and plucked Dorcas's hand from her head.

"Syd, we've both decided that Binns is mad," Mar explained. "Do you have any idea what the difference between Emeric the Evil and Uric the Oddball are?"

"Oh, that's easy, do you even pay attention?" I said, opening up my notebook and flipping to the notes from last Thursday's class. Dorcas giggled.

"How can she pay attention when she's asleep the entire period?"

"It's the last block and Binns is just so boring." She whined. "What do you expect?"

The two girls and I used the period efficiently, completing both our essays for History of Magic as well as Charms. I came to like Dorcas very much; she seemed to be the only one whom Marlene wouldn't snap back at, making her sarcastic remarks much more enjoyable. The pair were very affectionate and were always touching each other in some small way; be it by linking pinkies as they wrote, tangling their feet together, or slipping their arms underneath the other's to write on each other's paper. It was refreshing to see this vulnerability in Marlene.

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