in luv with u

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"I'll see you at the Potter's!" I promised, enveloping all three girls at once

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"I'll see you at the Potter's!" I promised, enveloping all three girls at once. They each waved over their shoulders as they split off to find their parents. I turned to face the brown haired boy behind me.

"Ready?" He smiled.

"No," I laughed hollowly. His grin widened and he kissed the side of my head.

"They'll love you."

As we forced our way through the crowd, I couldn't help but remember with fondness the last time I was on this platform. I had only one trunk this time, but the same backpack and the same guide. But still, I was different now. The boy who led the way held my hand, not my baggage. Instead of complete terror, I was a happy sort of nervous, the kind where I knew deep down everything would be alright. And this time I wasn't looking for a home or an answer, I had already found both.


The sound came from our left. Remus snapped his head to the side, his eyes scanning the crowd before lighting up. He looked down briefly, as if to make sure the hand that was holding him was still attached to my body, before pulling me towards the voice.

"Mum," he breathed with a warm smile that reached his eyes. He set his suitcase down and dropped my hand in order to properly embrace the woman.

She was a thin and fadingly pretty woman of average height. She resembled her son in many ways. Her long coffee hair matched Remus's in color and texture and she had the same crinkles by her golden brown eyes as she smiled up at him.

"You must be Sydney," she concluded, breaking away from Remus as he moved to greet his dad. Her voice was smooth and casual, it reminded me of warm caramel. "Remus has written so much about you."

I smiled and looked over to the boy.

"I promise I'm much nicer than he makes me out to be," I said with a light chuckle, reaching out my hand. She laughed brightly and took my hand, using it to pull me into the same sort of bear hug she had given Remus.

"You're exactly as funny and lovely as he described," she grinned as we separated.

"Thank you, Mrs. Lupin."

"Oh, Hope, please," she waved. "And this is Lyall," she held one arm out as if to present her husband to me.

He was a tall and regular looking man. Not out of shape, but not necessarily built either. He smiled with the same sort of warmness as Remus and extended his hand.

"I won't attack you like my wife did," he said, his voice scratchy and moderately deep, like firewood. I laughed and took his hand as Mrs. Lupin rolled her eyes and clicked her tongue.

"Well, shall we be off?"

None of them moved and I wondered how they planned to leave without walking to some sort of car. Apparently my confusion was evident, as a small smile spread across Remus's lips.

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