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We live and We die

"I hope I make it a little softer here for someone"


Yelena Garcia moved to Freeridge after her father had lost his job (more like he didn't like his boss so he punched him one day) but she didn't care, she was fine with moving as she didn't really have any close friends where they were anyway.

The Garcia family was Russian and Dutch, her mother being Dutch and her father being Russian meaning that all three languages, English, Dutch and Russian were spoken in her house which confused almost everyone when they went to stay over.

Elena was the complete opposite to her sister (Angelina) who was outgoing and kind to everyone, Elena was blunt with everyone and didn't care what she said whether it hurt them or not. Her brother, Sebastian was the same yet he tried to only say things that could be hurtful if someone had been rude toward shim or his family.

Her parents were the definition of love, which made her cringe all the time whenever she saw them kissing or hugging. They were perfect for one another despite the language barrier, which they would tell their children that when they first met they didn't understand what they were saying due to their accents.

All three of the Garcia children had think accents, Elena having a more Russian one whereas the other two had more of the Dutch in them.

But when the family decide to pack up and move what happens when Elena Garcia meets Oscar Diaz (spooky).

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