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"And then there is me, always waiting for you"


It was now the homecoming dance for Angelina and her friends. Angelina had shared her excitement with her sister and Mother who were now all going shopping to buy her a dress, they had invited Monse and Olivia to go with them but they already had clothes at home for the dance so it was just the three Garcia's.

Before they were set to go shopping, Elena had went to Spooky's home to hang out, the two had gotten closer and to those around it seemed like the two were more than friends. Elena would be lying if she said she didn't have the smallest crush on Spooky but with him always having a new girl on his lap every night she found it hard - impossible - to believe that he actually shared the same feelings as her.

She had only told the girls that being Olivia who she had taken a great liking to the girl and the two were actually extremely close. Monse and Elena were best friends but Monse was closer to her sister which was perfectly fine with her. Elena and the three boys (Jamal, Cesar and Ruby) were like little brothers to her, well Cesar being to big overprotective brother that reminded her so much of Sebastian.

It would be Homecoming and then Halloween which they all still haven't planned on what they wanted to do. So they all focused on homecoming now, Elena had chose to walk to Spooky's home which only took 10 minutes so she didn't need to take her car, without knocking on the door, which still confused her she entered the home. It was still early, well for some it was actually ten o'clock and she hoped that Oscar was actually awake.

"Oscar! You up?" She shouted throughout the small home. She heard some grumbles as a response and went to get herself a drink as the door to one of rooms opened.

"Why are you up so early angel?" Oscar asked with his morning voice deep and raspy. 

"Shopping today with Mama and Angelina." She explained to him, over the weeks of her being here she had picked up on some of the words or phrases that the people around her would say so she had been learning a lot.

"Shopping for what exactly?" He then asked.

"Homecoming for the kids remember I told you неудачник." She said with a smile.

"Ah thought that was tomorrow, when you going shopping then?"

"This afternoon, are you going any thing now?" Elena asked.

"Nah angel, have you eaten yet?" Oscar asked while making his way over to the kitchen were Elena was stood taking sips of her drink.

"Yes, Halloween is soon" She reminded the boy.

"I know angel, what you going as." Oscar told her.

"Not sure yet, what about you?" Elena then said.

"Myself" Spooky replied in which Elena said "Very scary" with a smirk. 


The pair had stayed at the Santos 'hangout' until it was time for Elena to go shopping, she said her goodbyes and set off back home.

"Дорогая, я дома!" Elena shouted as soon as she walked through the door, seeing her mother and sister getting their shoes on ready.

"Waar was je?" Her mother (Valentina) asked her daughter.

"Oscar's, can we go now please?" Elena asked as the two nodded, and they all got in the car.

They had arrived at the shop they needed to go to, they all got out the car and walked into the store. Angelina began looking through different dresses whilst Elena and their mother looked at some of the other dresses on the opposite side of the store.

It didn't take them long for them each to pick a dress for Angelina to try on, their mother had chosen a simple pink colored dress with matching heals she tried it on and didn't like it so she went to try on Elena's choice which was a white/silver coat dress with buttons matching it with white boots which made her 5'5 self look taller.

"I love this!" Angelina expressed spinning around in the dress.

"You look beautiful, Angie" Both her mother and sister said, Angelina then said "I'm going try on mine and then pick" she received a nod in response by both of them.

While she was trying on the dress, Valentina (their mother) turned to her eldest daughter with a smirk that only meant that she was going to ask the girl something that would embarrass her.

"You and Oscar then" She said.

"Just friend Ma'" Elena replied, her eyes rolling.

"You want to be more than friends though?".

"Yes, he does not like me like that though Moeder" She said with disappointment lacing her tone.

"Did he say that Yelena?" Her mother than said making Elena roll her eyes.

"I'm not ruining a perfectly good friendship over a small crush" She explained.

"Okay, just do what you want to do at your own pace liefde".

She nodded and smiled as Angelina came back out in a blue dress with white trainers on.

"I like Elena's choice more" Angelina said without waiting for a response she went back into the changing room, coming back out with the white blouse dress, all of then getting up to go and pay and then heading back home to get ready.

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