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"Let's run free under the starlight"


Elena had finally made her way to Oscar's house and was walking up to the front door when she saw a bunch of people gathered outside. She was wearing grey sweatpants that were rolled up at her waist, a white cropped top, trainers and a brown button up as well. Elena's hair was tied up into a low bun with her black sun glasses on as it was hot out.

As she was walking up the steps a short girl who looked to be her age walked over to her "You can just walk straight in we all do" She said with a smile.

"Thank you, do you know if Spooky is in there?" She then asked returning the same smile the young girl used.

"Yeah he is, not sure where though. I'm Lillie" Lillie then said with her hand held out.

"Yelena, or Elena as everyone calls me" Elena replied back shaking Lillie's hand.

"You new here or summit, you got an accent" Lillie said to her. 

"Russian and Dutch, and yes I'm new here" She responded back. The other girl smiling and responding with "Well I won't keep you for long, it was nice too meet you Elena", Elena smiled opening the front door and stepping inside the small home.

Spooky had heard the door opening and made his way out of his room thinking that it was Sad eyes, he was shocked to see that it was Elena looking around his home trying to find him.

"Angel, whatcha doing over here" He spoke, but then quickly changed his words knowing that the girl wouldn't understand properly what he had just asked her, "I mean what are you doing over here?"

"Looking for you" She responded taking off her sunglasses after finally making inside where it was cool and there was no sun blocking her vision.

"Why you lookin' for me, angel?" Spooky then asked walking closer to the girl. 

"My family is having a dinner night, would you like to come?" She asked while they both went over to the kitchen as Spooky went to get a drink.

"A dinner night? And why would you invite me?" He then said with a smirk. 

"Sebastian, Angelina are bringing over some people as well." Elena then said to the Santos leader who was currently wearing brown shorts and a white vest top. 

"I'll be there what time?" Spooky then said, the girl responding with "Just come round at five everyone will be there then"

"Sure, you headin' back out now?" He asked then taking a sip of his beer. "Yes, I have to get ready. The food will be Russian themed, so get ready." She informed him

"Russian, huh, sounds good. See you tonight then." Oscar then announced as Elena began walking to the front door again.

"See you tonight, Oscar." Elena said as she then began the journey back home.


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