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"She loved so much, she lost herself."


After the shocking announcement that Monse had dropped on them all Cesar and Oscar left the Martinez home to sort out some business. Monse had stormed off back home, Olivia went back into her room followed Ruby who both slammed the door that leaving Jamal, Angelina and Elena who all stayed quiet until Angelina spoke up.

"You knew and didn't tell me!" She said Jamal giving her a guilty look as he began apologizing, Elena tuned out what ever they were saying and went back to playing some random game on her phone but she then got a message from Samantha, her best friend from Russia.

Sammie xoxo

Hey Elena! Not sure if you're busy or not but just thought I would let you know that I'm moving to Freeridge officially by the end of the week!

Elena xoox

That's great news! Just message me when you arrive and I'll help you move in!!

Sammie xoxo

Totally, I can't wait to meet this boyfriend of yours after you keep on messaging me about him!

Elena xoox

That would be wonderful, see you soon.


It had been two days since the incident at the Martinez home, Elena had been informed by Angelina and Cesar that things were now extremely awkward. And of course she told Cesar off for kissing Olivia and not telling Monse. Monse had came to Elena one night crying because of the whole 'kissing' situation and she gave her the big sister advice, Olivia had told her that she didn't know about Monse and Cesar so she was told to apologize to them both which she did at Jamal's football game.

Jamal was very excited that he had managed to win the game by scoring a touch-down, Elena had plans to hangout with Oscar that day but she was told all about what happened by her sister and Jamal.

She was happy for the boy, after weeks of trying to come up with fake illnesses he had actually scored, the group was back together and Olivia and Cesar were giving it ago. But there was one piece of information that Olivia didn't tell them about. Her quinceañera.

They had all found out and were beginning to plan it, Ruby had assigned everyone different roles of what needed to be done. Elena was assigned to do the hair and make-up for everyone which she was perfectly fine with.

Olivia had became overwhelmed with everything that was going on and ended up spilling to Ruby about her parents and how they had wanted to be here for her since they would begin to plan it when she was younger. She used to pray that the day her quinceañera would come quicker but now she prayed that it wouldn't.

This being said, Ruby had planned a face-time call with her parents on that day. So when the day finally came for her  quinceañera everyone went to the Garcia home to get ready, Elena had set everything up for the hair and then the make-up. She had got it all finished in a matter of a couple hours. Oscar wouldn't be attending the girls 15th birthday but Elena was since he was busy and well just didn't want to go.

She had been recently informed that Oscar had told Cesar to kill someone, Latrelle a Prophet member Cesar had told them all that he had done it so now he was 'offically' apart of the Santos. Elena tried not to think about the fact that Cesar had to do that but Latrelle had pulled out a gun on him and Monse a couple nights ago so it had to be done.

She had finished getting everyone ready and was now onto her own hair and make-up, she had put her hair up into a slicked back pony-tail and was wearing a small amount of make-up. She had decided to wear a long black dress with matching black heals and was now on her way to the party.


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