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"It is both a blessing and a curse to feel everything so very deeply."


The party so far was going well, Olivia looked beautiful in her dress, Monse and Angelina also looked gorgeous. The girls had danced all night long and now Cesar and Monse, Ruby and Olivia were all dancing on the dance floor.

Elena was watching from the food stand which she had been eating from all night since the food was so good. Her parents, Jamal's, Monse's and The Martinez were all talking and laughing with one another which put a smile on her face. Angelina and Sebastian had gone to stand with them as well.

After the song had finished Olivia and Monse split from Cesar and Ruby and walked over to Elena. Olivia began to smirk at her pulling on her arm to go and dance with her she followed and they began laughing and dancing together.

It was just the two of them dancing, Olivia and Elena had a bond like no other, they were soul-sisters as some would call it and would do anything for each other. Olivia had only known Elena for a short amount of time but she could always count on her, they had sleepovers and shared inside jokes that only they would understand.

Elena had moved to Free-ridge at the beginning hating it, she would have never thought that she would grow to love it here, she had a boy friend, two new little sisters (Olivia and Monse) and three little brothers who she also loved with all her heart.

One minute the two girls were dancing with one another and then Elena and Olivia heard Ruby shouting Cesar's name. Elena turned around seeing a guy in a black jacket holding gun. Her first thought was to protect Olivia who she quickly turned around covering her with her body.

The sound of a gun going of send a ringing sound into her ears, she let go of Olivia as she collapsed onto the floor, Olivia not far from her. The feeling of a warm, red liquid surrounded her as she heard her Father running over to her shouting her name, the cries of those running away or watching the scene unfold. But in this moment Elena didn't care about herself she was too worried about Olivia who turned to look at the girl's paling face, the color draining from her, she  turned her head reaching out her hand to grab onto Olivia's who had Ruby and his mother surrounding her.

Olivia tried to get out her words "Elena...Elena" She tried to say but both girls eyes were dropping.

Elena smiled at the crying girl and croaked out "It's okay Liv, I'm okay"

"I-I Love you Elena" Olivia said.

Elena let a single tear run down her face seeing her best friend - sister - dying in front of her and herself on the brink of death.

Geny Martinez (Ruby's Mom) was shouting her voice cracking with every word calling for someone to ring an ambulance.

Elena looked at the girls locked hands and said "I love you Liv." She didn't have the strength to look at her best friend dying so she looked at her father who had tears in his eyes, trying to stop the bleeding coming from her chest the blood coating his fingers and clothes.

"Papa..." Elena tried to finish but it caused to much pain, she saw her mother crying along with Angelina and then she saw Sebastian who was on his knees next to her trying to keep her awake.

"I know Елена, stay awake for us please, we love you" He managed to say after some time of trying to find his voice.

"I love you all. Oscar you have to tell him-" She tried to say but the pain of the bullet lodged in her chest was causing too much pain for her to talk so her father nodded. Her ears kept on ringing as she saw Cesar on the phone to someone. She assumed it was Oscar as Cesar ran over to the girl.

"I'm sorry Elena, I'm so sorry" Cesar cried.

"He-Hey It's not your fault" Elena managed to say trying to reassure the young boy who's eyes were now red and puffy from all the crying. 

And with one final tear slipping from her eye, Elena closed her eyes. Hearing the screams and cries of those around her.


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