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"We exist in moments, nothing more"


That night at five o'clock the Garcia family had finally finished making all the food for the dinner party that they were hosting. Her Mother and Father were excited to finally meet their children's friends so everyone was told to dress to impress as her Mother liked to call it.

The two sisters had invited Monse and Olivia over to get ready at their house, Elena had already finished her hair and minimal amount of make-up and was beginning to start doing Olivia's.

Elena then decided to ask Monse the question that had made her curious over the past week "Monse, Are you are Cesar dating yet?"

The girls all began laughing as Monse's face began turning a bright shade a red, "We are not dating I would tell you all I promise!" She responded with. 

"But you want to" Olivia then said with a smirk.

"Maybe, but hey what about you and Ruby huh?" Monse clapped back with at Olivia. Elena had finally began coming out off her shell with the other two girls, treating them like her little sisters, giving them advice, doing their hair and make-up and lastly being the shoulder that they cry on whenever they were upset about something.

"Me and Ruby are just friends, despite how cute and kind he is, I just think that it would cause drama in the group if anything happened between us." Olivia spoke up from the small chair she was sitting on. 

"Well if you both like each other enough then wouldn't you be willing to take that risk?" Elena asked the girl as she finished her hair and make-up moving onto Angelina who next sat in the chair.

"I guess, but I just don't know if i want to take the risk and ruin a perfectly good friendship." Olivia then said.

"Well then don't do it, if you're not ready for that then wait" Angelina then gave advice out. 

"Actually Angie, what is going on with you and Jamal?" Monse asked the young girl who just went all shy at her question.

"Jamal is my best friend, I don't like him you guys!" Angelina quickly announced.

"Ты совершенно лжешь!"  Elena said then coughing to cover up her words. 

"I still can't get over you're accents" Olivia said dramatically. 

"Yeah same, What was it like back in Russia and Belgium when you lived there?" Monse added on, Elena choosing to answer for them both "It was good, we lived in Russia since I was five before that we lived in Belgium. I have a best friend who lives there but she might be moving over here since she has decided it will be better for her, but we didn't talk to any family over in Russia so it was just us"

"Samantha might be moving here?!" Angelina exclaimed in excitement, to other two teens sharing a confused look at who 'Samantha' is.

"We have been messaging, she might be moving Angie" Elena responded.

"What about-" Angeline was about to say but the eldest girl cut her off "Быть тихим." to which her sister nodded understanding that Elena didn't want to talk about it. 

The girls had finished getting ready after spending a lot of time doing hair and make up and now it was Elena's turn to get dressed.

She decided ( after spending nearly ten minutes choosing) a white cropped jumper, a pink skirt and a matching pink blazer. Her white shoes and her hair tied up with a hair grip to tie it back. Angelina was wearing a black dress with her famous doc martins and her hair was down and straightened. The other two girls were also wearing short dresses, well Olivia was Monse decided on wearing her jeans and borrowing one of Elena's jumpers. Which they all knew she would end up keeping like she had done with nearly all of Elena's jumpers.

They four walked down the stairs seeing all the drinks and food placed out on tables as the music began, it was more of a party than a dinner but they didn't mind since all their friends were coming over.

Everyone that they had invited had come over including all of the teenagers parents who their Mother and Father wanted to meet. Her Mother approached the girls hugging them all whilst she spoke "You all look beautiful." them all responding with a thank you.

But Elena was quick to realize that someone was missing from the party, the one person she had invited.



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