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"Spoiler, we all die in the end"


It was finally a Friday, which meant that it was family night for the Garcia family. Her parents had the day off work and had been making different Russian foods, as her father had chosen. Elena and her father were extremely close growing up and still were, her mother and her still were close but her father and her rarely argued.

"Доброе утро, папа." Elena spoke to her father as she made her way into the kitchen to see him cooking some blinis (pancakes) for them all. (good morning, dad)

"Доброе утро, Елена." He responded back whilst plating the rest of the blinis up. They both shouted for the other three to come downstairs to sit at the table and eat. (good morning, elena.)

"Good morning, handsome." Her mother spoke to her father making her internally gag at them.

They all gathered around the dinner table and started stacking pancakes onto their plates just before eating them. Sebastian next spoke up "Angelina, you have boyfriend?" making Angelina quickly send a pleading look to her sister and then to her mother.

"это правда?" Her father asked her, sipping slowly on his coffee. (it's true)

"это правда." Angelina replied whilst Elena and her mother looked at each other in confusion. Making Elena mumble under her breath "Лжец." (it's true & liar)

"What was that Елена?" Her father asked directed at Elena. (Elena)

"Nothing Papa, it's fine" She replied back

"Have you all been making friends?" Her mother then asked at the three children.

"Ja, moeder" Sebastian replied for them all, the girls smiling and nodding at his response.

"Wanneer kan ik ze ontmoeten?" She continued on saying, making them all glance up at her and her father looking in confusion.

Elena being the once to translate it for him "Она спросила, может ли она познакомиться с нашими новыми друзьями." ("She asked if she could meet our new friends.")

Her Father nodding and saying "Давайте планируем встретиться с ними сегодня вечером, если они не заняты." ("Let's plan to meet them tonight if they're not busy.")

"I will ask them then" Angelina responded, Sebastian nodding along with her. Elena not responding because the only friends that she made were fourteen years old and well they would all be invited by Angelina. She would have invited Oscar who she had begun to class as her only friend that was her age here but she knew that Sebastian would have invited him and Sad Eyes considering that he had made friends with them so that left her with no one to invite.

"What about you Елена?" Her father asked the older girl sensing that something was bothering her but he knew that she wouldn't mention it.

"Nothing Papa, I am fine" She responded, himself just nodding at her answer. After the family had finished eating and cleaning everything up the three teens set off to invite their friends. Angelina had chosen to invite, Jamal, Monse, Ruby, Cesar and Olivia and Sebastian was going to invite Sad eyes and some other girl he had met which surprised the girl as she had assumed he would invite Oscar.

Elena only had one friend here so she chose to set off on the walk to the place where she knew Oscar or formally known as Spooky would be to invite him. They had been messaging for sometime and had hung out on rare occasions so she just hopped that he wouldn't be getting the wrong message with all of this.

The last thing that she would want is to ruin the growing friendship over mixed signals. 


We all die in the end Where stories live. Discover now