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"It's okay, I'm used to being let down"


It had been half and hour and the time was now 5:30, Elena was still holding out the hope that he would actually turn up but she doubted it considering that they barely knew one another. Her parents had began asking where the mystery person she had invited was in which she made up an excuse every time. 

She had began to grow annoyed with Oscar, she had only texted him once not wanting to be too needy but Elena was upset, the first friend she had made was beginning to let her down. She saw her father approaching her with a smile on his face. 

"You not enjoying the party?" He asked her whilst handing her over a drink in the red cup. 

"I am, I'm waiting for a friend Papa" She responded back with. 

"Just enjoy, it is his loss Елена."  He spoke in a convincing voice, rubbing her arm in reassurance. 

"I'm just going to get something, I will come back down" Elena said. 

"Без проблем." Santigo (her Father) replied back with, walking back over to join his wife who was stood talking with Jamal's parents.

Elena had made her way into her bedroom, closing the door and sitting on her bed, she was tired of waiting and expecting him to show up so she gave up all hope and sat on her phone for a little bit. After some time she heard a knock to her bedroom door thinking that it was her Dad who had came to check on her she shouted "Черт возьми!" 

The door to her room opened and in walked Oscar, who held a sorry and confused expression, "I have no clue what you just said." He announced making the girl laugh. 

"You are late" She spoke up clearly showing her annoyance in which Spooky began apologizing "Sorry, I had some business for the Santos I had to take care off. Phone's dead as well" 

"It's okay, I thought you had forgotten that's all" She spoke, clearly showing that she was annoyed with him.

"No angel, I couldn't forget about you" He said as he sat next to her on the bed.

"We should go back down, my father will be wondering where I am" Elena said whilst getting up, Oscar following her out the door again. 

"Mama, Papa!" Elena shouted over her parents, who turned seeing the boy stood next to her. Her father's expression was blank and her mother was attempting - and failing - at hiding her growing smirk. 

"Who is this?" Her Father asked, "Nice too meet you, I'm Oscar" He introduced himself, shaking her Father's hand. 

"Nice too meet you, Is dit de vriend?" Her mother then asked 

"Yes, he is mine and Sebastian's friend." Elena responded for the both of them. 

"Well it was nice to meet you, Oscar." Her father then nodded his head in greeting. Oscar smiled, "Nice meeting you too." 

"Now we are getting some drink and food" She announced as her parents nodded watching the two walk away.


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