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"Why is it so easy to kill our happiness, but so hard to kill our sadness?"


After dropping her sister of at orientation day, now at mid after noon, the rest of the Garcia's were now all at their new jobs whereas Elena had to go to the shop to get some food for later on. She already hated it here in America, it was much different than Russia or Belgium where she had lived throughout her life. But Elena knew that she would have to get used to it sooner or later.

She was walking through the store when someone caught her eye, the driver who her sister and the other three teenagers had informed her was Spooky, apart of a gang named the Santos. Next thing she knew he was standing right in front of her watching her as she picked up different pieces of foods.

"Can I help you?" She asked, irritation lacing her voice not even glancing over at him.

"So you're new here then, angel" He spoke up looking her blue-green eyes, his dark brown ones staring right back at her.

"Yes" She bluntly replied trying to distract herself with looking at random food that she was trying to figure out what that package said.

"что это за дерьмо такое?" She mumbled to herself gaining the attention of Spooky who was trying to understand what she just said. (what kind of shit is this?)

He noticed her furrowed brows and quickly understood that she had no idea what she was looking at, "They are potato waffles" He said with a smirk, picking some up for himself. Elena turned to look at him with a puzzled expression.

"Potato's in the shape of a waffle, angel" He told her

"You Americans have some weird food." She replied back

"Where are you from then?" Spooky asked curiously, leaning onto the side where the food was.

"Russia and Belgium." Elena said while putting more food in her basket and making her way to the till to pay for it all.

"Hey wait up!" Spooky called out to her, she turned back around in annoyance just wanting to go home and watch her favorite show Grey's Anatomy which she had been recently obsessed with watching.

"You should get these they are good" He said as he handed her a chocolate bar that said 'Hershey' on it, she smiled to him, saying thank you and walking over the till to pay with Spooky behind her waiting in line.


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