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3rd person povs -


The Garcia's had been in Freeridge for about a week now, just settling in and trying to find a new job. The two oldest children of Santigo and Valentina Garcia had chosen to move with their parents until they to collage. Sebastian being, 22 years old wanted to work in engineering and Elena wanted to be a therapist, considering the neighbor hood that they had moved into with her 4.0 GPA she could actually go far with her life.

It was the next morning, a Monday which meant school for Angelina which then also meant that Elena had to get up early as well to take her too school. So her alarm began blasting the most ear bleeding sound at 6:30 AM for her sister's first day. She got up and wore her black tank top, knee ripped mom jeans and her red Jordan's with her black shoulder bag. After getting dressed she brushed her teeth and started doing her hair which was just in half up half down.

She exited her bathroom going to check that Angelina was up, which to no one's surprise she wasn't meaning that she would be late.

"Angie, come on you're going to be late" Elena shouted to her sister trying not to wake anyone else up considering how early it was. She heard a mumble and a few curses in return as the door to her sisters room opened to see her wearing a over sized brown jumper, black doc's and some mom jeans that had patches of different colors on.

"Brush your teeth and then we are going, "ленивый" Elena then says with a smirk. (lazy)

"конечно, босс" Angelina then replies back. (of course, boss.)


After the two had gotten into Elena's car they began the drive to school, well as Elena had just recently known as orientation day for freshman's. They hadn't been driving for long when they came across three teenagers all looking around the same age as her sister walking along the street.

"останови машину" Angelina said as her sister followed her instructions while trying to figure out how she knew them. (stop the car)

"почему? тебе нужно идти в школу." Elena then asked as she rolled the window down. (Why you need to go to school?)

"просто перестань, я познакомился с ними на вечеринке." She then replied as she stuck her head out the window to greet them. (just stop it, I met them at a party.)

"Hey guys" Angelina said as the three teenagers stopped walking to look at her sister

"Angelina? What are you doing here" The only girl with the three asked.

"Sister dropping me off" She replied her thick accent shinning through

"You can walk with us if you want" A tall, lanky boy then said. Angelina then turned to her sister with pleading eyes.

"Я хочу сначала поздороваться." Elena then replied taking the keys out her car and locking it while walking over to the now four teens. The three teens were confused as to what she had just said, them not speaking Russian but they went along with it. (I want to say hello first.)

"Hello, my name is Elena, her sister" She said sticker her hand out for them to shake, each of them doing so. The three them began introducing themselves, well the same girl from before did for them anyway.

"I'm Monse, this is Jamal and Ruby" She said with a bright smile.

"Nice too meet you all" She replied back with a tight smile. 

But soon enough all three turned their heads to see a red car driving down the road, blasting music. The three looked at each other as Ruby said "We can't tell you what Cesar said"

"Fine then i'll ask him myself" Monse then said while starting to walk in front of the car, Elena turned to her sister and said "Она мне нравится." with a smile, Angelina laughing at her.

"Hey are you crazy?!" The person driving said as he stuck his head out the window. Elena making her way over to them.

"I just wanted to let Cesar know that I was back in town" Monse said crouching down to their level.

"Looking like a fine ass hyna" The driver then said, Monse then replying with "An underage hyna".

"Not for some" He replied with a smirk.

Elena mumbled to herself "Причина первая, почему я ненавижу мужчин." (The first reason why I hate men.)

The three in the car looked over to where she was stood, which was now next too Monse, turning to look at the driver of the red car again.

"Now who are you angel" He said with a smirk directed at her, tilting his sun glasses down to look at her.

"None of your business" She replied back with the same smirk. 

"I see how it is angel" He replied with before turning back to Monse.

"It's all good, you just look a little different. What is it?" He spoke.

"My boobs" Monse then said with irritation lacing her tone.

The driver chuckled at her response whereas Elena began to block out the conversation, walking back over to her sister who was stood with the other two watching what was happening.

"Давай, пойдем." She said annoyed, her sister knew she was now going to be in a bad mood all day thanks to Cesar's brother who she had just learned who he was because of Jamal and Ruby. (Come on, let's go.)

"What about my friends?" Her sister asked with an innocent look

"Если они хотят, чтобы их подвезли, скажи им, чтобы поторопили свои задницы." She replied with while getting in the car. (If they want a ride, tell them to hurry up their asses.)

She told the two boys as they got in the car, while she went to get Monse to hurry her up knowing that her sister will have been getting annoyed right now from the dramatic situation.

"Monse, my sister is giving us a lift, come on" And with one last eye roll Monse walked over to the white car, Angelina starting to follow the girl.

"Hey wait up" Spooky, Cesar's brother said to her making her walk back up to the car.

"What do you want?" She asked. 

"You and your sister new here?" He asked as she nodded in return, he continued by saying "What's your names?"

"My sister's name is Elena and mine is Angelina." She replied then walked off back to the car as Spooky caught a glimpse of Elena talking to the teens, with a frown on her face. 


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