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"We're so lost, us kids"


Elena had dropped her sister off at the location of the homecoming dance only to be told on her way home that it was cancelled and there was a party at Monse's to make up for it.

She planned on going home to sleep which is exactly was she was going to, she pulled into her drive way and went up to her bedroom, brushing her teeth and then getting into bed. She had started to fall asleep when the sound of her phone going off made her wide awake again. She shared some curses and grumbles and went to pick up the phone seeing the caller as Spooky.

"Hello" She said through the phone

"Hey angel, what ya' doin' right now?"

"Sleeping you woke me up" Elena told him.

"Sorry just wondering if you wanted to hang with me, Sad eyes and Lillie" He asked.

"Sure I will, just give me like twenty mins" She hung up the phone getting out of bed, dressing herself and starting to walk out the door.

She was about to walk out the door but she heard some noises in the kitchen that didn't belong to her brother or parents. She quietly walked into the kitchen seeing a girl drinking out of a glass.

"What are you doing?" Elena asked the mystery girl.

"Oh I'm sorry you must be Elena, I'm Sebastian's girlfriend" She explained.

"Girlfriend? What's your name?" Elena then said walking over to her.

"Maya, Seb is upstairs I just came to get a drink" Maya said gesturing to her cup that she was holding.

"Nice too meet you Maya, I wish I could stay longer but I'm meeting some friends" She spoke.

"That's okay Elena, see you later" Maya said "See you later" Elena responded back with.


The four group of friends had been hanging out for a couple of hours, they were sat on the porch drinking, Elena and Spooky sharing a cigarette. They were all talking, laughing and sharing jokes, she was having a great time with her new friends.

"Are you two datin' then?" Sad eyes asked the pair, Oscar and Elena.

Oscar laughed as Elena responded for them both "No we are not"

"May as well be, you two would be good together" Lillie added on, Elena trying to hide her blush.

"He wishes" She said referring to Oscar.

"Yeah you're right bout that angel" He said with a smirk as he handed her the cigarette. She would have replied back if she didn't see Cesar storm past them, walking into the house as he slammed the door close.

"I'll go check on him Osc" Elena stood up walking into the home.

She went over to Cesar's room and knocked on the door, he shouted for whoever it was to go away in which she told him it was her he let her go in. Elena walked in and saw him sat in his bed looking as glum as ever, she went and sat next to him.

"What's wrong?" She asked the young boy who had his hands in his hair.

"I'm not safe" He bluntly responded with.

"What do you mean Cesar?" Elena said confused as to what his words meant.

"Monse said I'm not safe, I mean she's right. I got jumped in the Santos, and now that makes me dangerous. Monse will never wanna be with me now Elena" He expressed his sadness to her as he leaned on her shoulder.

"You got jumped into the Santos?" Elena questioned, feeling slightly betrayed that Oscar hadn't said anything to her.

"Yeah, now Monse doesn't trust me" Cesar explained.

"It's her loss then, you're a great person Cesar don't let he opinion or anyone else's contradict how you see yourself because trust me when I say this but you are a good person, you help your friends at no cost and helped me and my sister feel more comfortable here" Elena told the boy who smiled as she pulled him in for a hug.

They pulled away after a moment and Cesar said "Thank you Elena for everything"


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