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"It's better to be loved and lost than never to be loved at all"


It was now finally Halloween, she didn't have any plans but she was going to dress up because why not? Angelina was going over to Ruby's house to apparently watch some scary movies which she wasn't too pleased with.

Oscar and Elena had made plans together, Sebastian was staying over at Maya's home which she had just recently moved into. She was planning on dressing up as cat-woman but since they were just hanging out in his car she just suck with an over-sized blue and red jumper and black shoes to go with it. Her hair tied up in low bun again.

They had been watching films all night when Spooky's phone went off, he picked it up and read the message getting up his face full of anger.

"Where are you going?" Elena asked him.

"Come on, Cesar said some idiots in Brent-wood started up some trouble" He explained, she quickly got up and walked outside getting into Oscar's red car, he got in after her and began driving to Brent-wood.

Oscar quickly got out the car as Elena followed, both of them angry after seeing egg all over the teens. The group of boys from Brent-wood who were throwing the eggs had smirks on their faces and were laughing. Which didn't last long because hey had spotted Spooky walking over to them, he stood in front of the 'ring-leader' aka the one who was pissed off because Olivia drank his Mom's juice.

Spooky sized the blonde boy down as Elena stood back and watched, Spooky licked his thumb and removed the fake 'tattoo' of an tear drop from under his eye. He got his own two fingers and rubbed on his own looking back up to the boy, "This shit's real"

The boy began to cry as he whimpered "Please. What do you want?" Spooky looked back at Elena who smirked knowing exactly what all the teen wanted right now.


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