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"Deep conversations with the right people are priceless."


It was now the end of the week since Angelina had started school and Elena had met Spooky who seemed to have taken an interest in the girl. Her sister, Angelina and Monse had gotten close and had regular sleepovers at the Garcia home. Although it was supposed to be a sleepover between the two girls they always ended up in Elena's room.

Monse ended up spilling the beans about everything that her and Cesar had done while both girls listened, Elena giving her advice and soon turning into the big sister she always needed. Sebastian had started hanging around with the Santos, he grew close to Spooky and Sad eyes, he didn't ever want to join the gang and he made that clear to them and they were fine with it.

Oscar and Elena had bumped into each other frequently so it started to become their thing, him ending up buying her a Hershey's chocolate bar while she complained about the food they had in America.

Elena had practically turned into the five teenagers taxi, dropping them off at school, back home and anywhere else they needed to be at. Though she didn't mind this at all and seemed to be turning into the rest of the teens big sister. Her and Jamal actually ending up having a lot in common, being what society would call the 'outsider' of the group, being ignored by everyone, but she made sure that it didn't happen.

Elena would never say it out loud but she was actually enjoying living in Freeridge.

It was now a Saturday and Ruby had messaged in their new group-chat mid afternoon so Elena quickly checked to see what was wrong. Turns out Ruby needed to talk to the other five that being, Monse, Elena, Angelina, Cesar and Jamal. She drove herself and Angelina there; got out of the car as they both made their way up the porch coming face to face with the other three except from Ruby who was making his way out the door.

"Where here to decorate your room!" Monse quickly said.

"I don't have my own room" Ruby pouted before quickly saying "I have a boner" making all three girls look towards him with disgusted looks

"My cousin just moved in" earning strange looks from the group before correcting himself "Not like my cousin cousin, Like what's up cuz?" Making hand gestures.

Cesar then spoke up by saying "Oh like if you can't keep it in you're pant's keep it in the fam."

"Exactly-wait no, not exactly. There is no blood relation. There is no in breading" Ruby clarified for them all.

"Oh and call be Rueben, I go by Rueben now" He says with a small smirk. 

"Ruby!" His mother quickly shouts making the boy groan as a girl stepped through the door walking towards the group.

"Guys this Olivia, she is staying with us for a little while" Mrs. Martinez said introducing the girl. Elena shot a glance over at the rest of the 'squad' and saw everyone else with shocked expressions, her sister sneaking looks with Jamal to see his reaction which she also saw. She held back a laugh as Monse went to introduce herself to Olivia.

After she had introduced herself she pulled Ruby away to talk about their 'chem assignment'. Elena stepping forward to greet the girl but stepped back again next to Cesar after he began flirting with Olivia.

Angelina was next to talk to Olivia, "Well at least me and my sister aren't the newbies anymore" which they all laughed too. Cesar going back to trying to show off his abs and Jamal and Angelina sharing looks of amusement at his actions. But the time between the five was interrupted once Ruby shouted,

"I'm saving Cesar!". Leaving all of the teenagers in silence as Olivia looked confused. 


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