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"Healing takes time"


Elena had ran up the stairs and into her parents bedroom, knocking on the door and bursting in the room she jumped onto the bed seeing her father walk out the bathroom in his pajamas and her mother already in bed reading her favorite book.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" Her mother asked sitting up and placing the book on the night stand.

"Guess what" Elena said to them both as her father sat on the end of the bed.

"Tell us, елена" Her father said to her.

"I have a boyfriend!" She shouted, her mother began laughing and celebrating with her daughter, jumping on the bed and hugging each other while her father hugged her also.

"Who is this boyfriend, I hope you haven't made this person up" He told her. 

"No Papa, It is Oscar Diaz remember him?" She announced, her mother gasping in shock and her father smiling proudly knowing that both of them liked each other.

"That's fantastic, good for you sweetie." Her mother exclaimed with a wide and proud smile

"That is wonderful news елена." Her father spoke proudly.

They spent the next couple of minutes talking about her and Oscar, Valentina and Santigo were very happy too finally see their daughter truly happy after her past break-up that she had. Her smile finally reached her eyes which they both hadn't seen in years.


Elena woke up extra happy that morning, she had a boyfriend and actually believed that this one would be good for her. She got up early went downstairs and made her breakfast, after she had finished she cleaned up, showered and got dressed for the day finishing off with brushing her teeth.

She then began walking over to Ruby's house since that they were all going to spend the day with one another, Spooky had business with the Santos so he couldn't hang out today. She entered the home to see Ruby and Jamal who were talking about some website, well actually they were talking about his obsession with Olivia.

"Hey guys" Elena announced the boys turning their head to wave at her before turning back around which made her frown.

She had messaged Olivia who had told her that they were in Ruby's bedroom with Angelina and Monse. She went over, opened the door and sat next to Olivia on the bed since the other two were sat together.

They all began talking about random things just as alarms started going off and the police announced that there would be a lock down.

Olivia was asking them all if they had their eyes on anyone when they all turned to Elena who just said "Me and Oscar are dating now"

There was a string of replies that included, "finally" or "We could have guessed" which she just laughed at. They then after being interrupted by Jamal went to play a game in the living room. Elena sat on one of the seats next to Ruby and Jamal. Monse sat at the head of the table and Angelina, Jasmine (who kept listening in to their conversation) and Olivia sat opposite her.

Ruby came up with the game that being, Kiss, marry, smash but it was quickly changed to make love, marry and kill.

Elena caught onto the last of Jamal's sentence which was "We don't want to poke the bear in the bathroom" she was confused so she asked "Who's in the bathroom?"

"Cesar's brother, Oscar" Jamal replied, Elena was shocked she thought that he had some business so she got up and went over to the bathroom.

"I told you all to leave me alone" Oscar said in a grumpy voice, whilst on the phone.

"It's Elena" she replied with in which he opened the bathroom door so she could come in.

"What are you doing here?" She continued once she sat on the edge of the bath.

"There's a lock down, I thought Cesar would be here but he's not" He explained. 

"Oh well look's like we have to baby sit now" She got up walking to the door to open it but the door was shut and she was trapped between Oscar's arms.

"Baby sittin' huh?" He responded with a slight smile.

"Yeah, now come on" She said as Oscar pecked her lips and moved out the way of the door. They both walked over as she sat back down in her seat. Spooky ending up scaring the rest of them with his loud laughter that echoed through the home. They all looked at one another with scared expressions and then back at Oscar who was stood.

Jamal spoke up bravely saying "Er you wanna play?" Oscar responding with a quick "Okay"

He began with pointing at Ruby and Jamal "I'd kill you, kill you" then he pointed at Elena and said "Marry you" which she smiled at. Spooky then continued by pointing at the rest of them "Smash you, I'd smash you" directed at Olivia and Monse who had strange expressions on their face, Elena having furrowed eye-brows at this.

He then finally turned to Jasmine who began pushing up her boobs he contemplation for a minute before saying "Fine, I'd smash you...then I'd kill you" she just accepted his comment. he walked back into the bathroom with Elena following him along ready to ask him about what he just said about Olivia and Monse.

They close the bathroom door and she turned to him with her arms crossed over her chest leaning against the door. Oscar spotted that her mood had changed, walking over to her to ask what was wrong.

"What's up angel?" He questioned innocently.

She rolled her eyes and bluntly said "Nothing"

"You jealous or somethin'?" before adding on "You have nothin' to be jealous over angel I promise" as he pecked her lips again. They both heard the front door opening and just as they walked out Monse stood up and faced Cesar.

She shouted saying "You kissed Olivia!" leaving all of them in shock.


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