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"You made me hate myself a lot"


Oscar and Elena had walked over to the food that was on the dinner table inside, she got herself a drink as Oscar began picking out some food he assumed he would enjoy eating. 

"Your parents seem nice" He spoke up, glancing down at the food in his plate.

"They are, you like fish?" She then said as he picked up a piece of food that had a mixture of fish in it. 

"Nah why?" He said looking at her in confusion, brows furrowed.  

"Well then don't eat that, it's full of fish" She said while grabbing it and putting it back down for him. 

"So what were they saying back there, I didn't understand any of it" He said with a small chuckle.  

"They asked if you were mine or Sebastian's friend" Elena responded with 

"Ah I see, whatcha you say back angel?" Spooky then said. 

"Both I guess, now try some of this" She said as she handed him her cup she was just drinking out off. 

"What is it?" Oscar asked while he smelt the drink he had just been given. 

"Kvas, it is good" She informed the boy who looked at the drink with curiously, he then took a sip as she watched him. He smiled and responded with "You were right it is good" 

"Then get your own, this one is mine неудачник" She laughed at his now confused expression as he tried to figure out what she just said. 

"What did you just call me?" He said trying and failing to hide his smirk from her.

"That's a secret, now come on i'll get you one of them" She begun walking over to the kitchen to get him his own drink as he trailed along. 


The party was beginning to disperse as people began going home, Angelina was sleeping over at Monse's house with Olivia and Sebastian was staying at home as he was at work early in the morning. Elena still had yet to meet the mystery girl that he had invited over as she had to leave early because of her parents being strict. 

Sebastian had told her that she was kind, head strong and loyal. She knew that she would like the girl immediately because of this information. The only people left at the party was herself and Spooky who was trying to find ways to invite the girl over to his, she had already met two more of the Santos, that being Sad eyes who she already liked and Lillie who was very kind to her. 

Spooky made his way over to the girl handing her over some of the plates from the table "What you doin' now El?" He asked 

"Nothing why?" She asked, starting to feel all warm inside due to the new nickname 'El' 

"We can hang out mine if you want?" He spoke up. Elena looked over to the boy who was stood already looking at her and said "Sure, let me change though one minute". He nodded and she ran up the stairs to change leaving the boy downstairs by himself, which only lasted a minute or so as her father walked into the kitchen. 

"So Oscar, do you like my daughter?" He asked, almost attempting to be threatening. 

"She is my friend Mr. Garcia" Oscar said trying to sound as formal as possible. 

"Call me Santigo, I have to warn you to be nice to her or else you will have to deal with me. Got it son?" He announced. 

"Yeah Santigo, the food was amazing tonight so thank you by the way." He expressed his gratitude. 

"Thank you Oscar" He replied as Elena came back downstairs in black shorts and a v-necked pink and white shirt and a small back pack. 

"куда ты идешь?" Her father asked her, looking at the back pack on her shoulder.

"Иду к Оскару."  She told him as Oscar was looking at the interaction between father and daughter seeing the similarities between the two. Both having dark brown hair and were tall, sharing the same type of personalities. He had noticed that Elena was the only one of the family without the dark brown eyes, her instead having a green- blue eye color that stood out among others. 

"Come on then Osc, we should be going now. Goodnight Papa!" She shouted at her father who was in the living room. 

The pair had exited the home and started the journey to Spooky's house, the dimly lit roads only being shined on by the glowing lap posts.


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