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"I'll never be that me again"


They had arrived at the Santo's hang out house aka Cesar and Oscar's home after ten minutes, they had sat on the sofa watching the television most of the night and had just been chilling out, but the silence was interrupted by the sound of Cesar's voice entering the house.

"Where have you been?" Oscar asked looking over at the boy.

"With Ruby and Jamal" He responded back before he added on "Oh hey Elena."

"Hi Cesar, you hungry?" Elena asked sitting up from the sofa where she was sitting comfortably next to Oscar.

"Yeah, I am." Cesar asked puzzled. 

"Shower, I'll make you something" She announced getting up from her comfortable spot on the sofa.

"Okay, thanks Elena" He said as he went to go and shower, Oscar also then getting up and following the girl into the kitchen.

"What you going to make?" Oscar asked after seeing her look through the cupboards.

"I think it is called a grilled cheese sand-which" She said, her brows furrowing in confusion.

"Yeah it is called that, you remembered" He congratulated her.

"After you mentioning how it is your second favorite food definitely" Elena said with a wide smile, Oscar laughing at her cuteness and how she remembered from the time he told her about how he used to made him and Cesar them all the time.

She got out all the things she assumed she would need but turned to Oscar with pleading eyes, trying to ask him for help, he walked over to her and got out a pan and turned on the stove since they didn't have one of those fancy grilled sand-which makers like everyone in Brent-wood would have.

"How are you liking Free-ridge" Spooky asked the girl who was watching him make the food.

"It is good, I like seeing my family happy here" She announced.

"Well then that's good, you like it here more than Russia?" He then asked.

"So far here, but I miss my best-friend who lived in Russia although she may be moving over here" Elena told him as he placed to food onto the pan.

"Best-friend? What's her name?" Spooky turned to look at her as he finished answering the question.

"Samantha, she's sweet, you would like her." Elena announced to him. 

"The one who comments on your Instagram all the time?" He said with a slight chuckle.

"You stalk my Instagram?" Elena said with a smirk attempting to wind up the boy.

"You know I do angel" He replied back with as he looked at her seeming to forget about the grilled cheese sand-which which was now nearly burning.

"You're burning Cesar's food." She told him as he quickly turned back around to put the food on a plate. Just in time as Cesar walked out of his room with wet hair and different clothes on from last time.

"Thank's for the food. But seriously I can sense the sexual tension from over here so calm it down. I'm not ready to be an uncle just yet." He announced, walking back into his room leaving Oscar laughing and Elena shying away which was very unusual for her.

"Come on we got to finish watching the film" Oscar said walking back over to the sofa, Elena following along.

"Wait! I forgot something give me a second" He said jumping back up and walking back over to the kitchen.

He sat back down handing Elena a Hershey's bar that she had now grown to love the chocolate "Thank you, Osc!" She said with a wide smile, Oscar looking in amusement at the girl as she shared the chocolate with him, continuing to watch the film.

And soon enough the pair both fell asleep on the sofa, cuddled up against one another without even realizing.


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