Chapter 3

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Allison's POV-
Beep! Beep! Beep! "UGH!" My alarm clock drowns my ears in extremely loud buzzes. I groan and cover my head with a pillow. I hate getting up for anything, but school especially. I reach over and press snooze. Dad would yell at me if he heard it.

I fling back the covers, get up, and start getting ready.

Half an hour later, I'm sitting in my dad's car, while he drives me to school. I don't say anything, because knowing my dad, he'll turn our conversation into an argument, which leads to screaming and yelling, which is not good for the soul at 7:30 in the morning.

As soon as we get there, I hop out and slam the door, mainly because he hates it. I walk to the Sophmore building/locker hall.

My school, Arthur Steinfield Academy, is the richest school in California. Because of this little fact, the campus is AMAZING. The four classes have one building each, containing locker halls and specific classrooms for each grade. These buildings are placed north, south, east, and west. In the center, our college size gymnasium and library sit. In between the senior and junior buildings is the food court. I'm not kidding. Most schools have a cafeteria, but we have a food court, which includes Starbucks, In n Out, Chick Fil A, Chipotle, and some other stuff.

In between junior and sophomore, there's the teachers building and the detention center(s). Between sophomore and freshman is the sports facilities, baseball, soccer, football fields, track, and pool. In between freshman and senior is the parking lot.

Everything's top of the line, so you can only imagine how much it costs to go to school here. 50,000 dollars per semester. Yep. But there's A LOT of upsides to ASA. For one, every year, they offer ten (completely free) scholarships to ten very lucky poor people. Two, there are no uniforms, which is very unusual for a private school. It's completely free dress, so we can be able to "express ourselves." It's pretty great.

As I enter the upstairs locker hall, I look down at the ground and shuffle my feet a little bit as I walk. It helps keep attention away from me. However, most people would be on their knees in front of me if they knew the piece of information I've withheld from everybody at this school. The thing is, every single person at the school is stinking rich, because middle class people can't afford the fees. A lot of people brag about how they won the lottery, or they have a distant cousin who's famous who always gives them money, or some other random crap. Truth is, my family could buy out every single one of these people.
My last name is Ford. As in, Ford motor companies. My dad's great-grandpa was Henry Ford, the original inventor of the car company. So now my dad's CEO, and he rakes in 1.1 billion dollars a year.

So that's my little secret, which has to remain a secret, otherwise I would have fake friends all around me, just hoping for some money.

All of a sudden, the first bell rings. I jump, startled. The boy next to me snickers. I glare at him, slamming my locker shut. As I walk to first period, I keep thinking about the boy. Something about him seems really familiar. I shrug it off as I enter class, which happens to be English. I sit in the back, in my normal spot, away from all the activity.

I lean back in my desk and wait for class to finish. The second bell rings, but my teacher, Mr. Kent, doesn't show up. After seven minutes, I start to count down the seconds to fifteen minutes. There is a law that says if a teacher doesn't show up to class after fifteen minutes, you are free to leave.

It's just my luck, though, when, at thirteen minutes and seven seconds, Mr. Kent walks in. I slump lower in my seat, completely pissed off.

"Sorry for keeping you all waiting. We have a new student, and I was in the office. Everyone this is Savannah Evanston." He gestures at the girl standing next to him. Well, not standing. She's sitting on his desk.

"So Sav-"

"It's not Evanston." Everybody looks at the girl like she's insane. Nobody, and I mean nobody, interrupts Mr. Kent. He's six foot four, dresses like a redneck, and is the strictest teacher EVER. I'm surprised she even got away with sitting on his desk.

"Excuse me?" He looks extremely taken aback. "Than what is it?"

She pauses, scowls, and then says, "Smith."

"Alrighty then. Well, Savannah Smith, go sit at that desk in the back."

She hops off the desk and walks to the desk, somehow managing to slump down even lower than me. Mr. Kent starts his lecture, while I put my head on my desk and fall asleep.

Yay longer chap! What dya think? Leave a comment and/or like:)

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