Chapter 12

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Ally's POV:
I'm at the dinner table, twirling spaghetti around my fork. My parents are talking about a new car model that my dad's company is releasing this month. My mind wanders. This month... It's January... January... Bookfest is this month... Oh! Bookfest!
"Hey, mom?"
My mom turns to me with exasperation in her eyes. "Yes, Allison?"
"Well, there's an event up in LA in three weeks, and Savvy invited me to go."
"When is it, what is it, where, and with who else?"
"January 17-18, it's kinda like a meet and greet with authors, LA somewhere, and with Savvy, her boarding house lady, and someone else."
"What?! Why?!"
"Is it during the weekend?"
"Um.. No, Thursday and Friday."
"You're not missing two days of school just so you can go to some event."
I turn to my dad. "Dad, please?"
"Sorry, hun. I agree with your mother."
I storm off to my room, flopping down on my bed. After a second, I hear my phone buzz.
Sav😏💘💀: rob cheated on me with our best friend bethy
I almost drop my phone.
What?!!! I mean i knew he was a playboy but idek what to say. I mean with bethany rainsford?!! Thats really really bad... But she did have it in for u ever since u dissed her that one day at school
Oh btw got some bad news for u
Oh fantastic just what i needed
I cant go to bookfest
Uve got to be kidding me
I wish lol
I just remembered something.
U know when robbie first asked me out and we said if he cheats well make him sorry he ever messed with us?
Well, how bout we go wreak some havoc😈😈
Three hours later, I'm waiting for Savvy at the 7-11 near her house. She walks in a few minutes, dressed in completely black clothes. It's not very unusual for her, though.
"Was I supposed to be in black, also?"
"Nah, it's okay because you're not wearing anything really bright."
We walk outside, and she unlocks a black Prius.
"Where'd you get this? You can't even drive!"
She slides behind the wheel as I get in. "One of the girls at the boarding house is sick, and I bribed her into letting me borrow it. As for me being unable to drive, I've lived in a lot of foster homes, and a lot of them were too drunk to notice me and their car were gone."
I don't say anything.
"We need to take a stop at Target before going to his house."
While there, we get blue spray paint, toilet paper, small paintbrushes, a large bucket, and cement mix.
After we turn on his street, she turns off the car. We get out, and she runs up to the house nearest us.
I hiss at her. "This one's his?"
She unwraps their garden hose and drags it down the driveway, depositing it in the bucket. She fills it up a little ways, then shuts off the hose. We pour the cement in. By the time we're done, it's 11:45.
We drag everything down the street to Robbie's house. "What's the plan?" I ask.
She explains everything to me. "Dang, girl, you're a freaking genius!" I say.
We each grab a role of toilet paper and start unraveling. But, instead of doing a normal TP job and throwing it, we put dabs of drying cement on the toilet paper with the paintbrushes, then throw it.
"This stuff is extremely hard to get off. Even if they rip the toilet paper off, they'll have random blobs of cement all over their house. At best they will have to repaint; at worst they'll have to redo the whole exterior, because the cement could tear chunks out of the wall." Savvy explains.
After going through all the toilet paper, we grab the spray paint, and turn our attention to his silver BMW. We spray all over it in random designs. For the final step, we pour the remaining cement in his trunk. As a final touch, Savvy writes a message on it. I said awhile back that your trunk was tiny. Now it's even smaller. Go to hell, you dick.
We run back to the car, barely containing our laughter. As we reach it, jump in, and drive away, we collapse in a fit of giggles.
"Best.. Prank.. Ever!" I wheeze, my shoulders shaking in hysterics.
She just shakes her head as her laughter increases in volume.
She drops me off at my house, later, at 2:26 AM. I sneak inside through my open window. This was possibly the best night of my life.
This was such a fun chapter to write!! I was inspired by Q and Margo's midnight escapade.
p.s. If u understand that reference, ur my favorite person ever
P.p.s. im in the process of starting a couple of new stories. they will probably be posted before next update aka next friday

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