Chapter 14

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Ally's POV:
I climb out of Cynthia's white Camry. We're in LA now, after driving for an hour. The parking lot for Bookfest is packed. Savvy didn't find anyone who wanted the last ticket, so Cynthia's niece, Becka, who is quite the fangirl, flew out here from San Francisco. San Fran and LA aren't that far apart, but she was coming alone and she just started driving so she wasn't gonna take that trip all by herself.
The main booth I want to go to is Michael Grant's, the author of Gone. We wander around for a while. I acquire a multifandom tee shirt, a phone case, and a bunch of autographs and autographed books.
After about an hour and a half, I finally spot the Gone booth. I run up to Michael. He smiles. "Big fan?"
"Yep." I squeal and I give him my book to sign. Savvy walks up beside me.
I ask, "Is it true that there is going to be a Gone movie?"
"Yep!" He replies. "In fact," he pulls out a clipboard, "we are looking for extras for some scenes. You can just put down your name and email, and once there's a set date and time, you will get an email with the details."
I literally jump up and down. "This is so exciting!!!" Without hesitation I put my name down. I then turn to Sav. "Please put your name down so we can do this together. Imagine being in an actual movie!!!"
"Okay, I guess." She writes her name and email down.
It's midnight, and we're back at our hotel, getting ready for bed. As I lay down, I say to Savvy, "Aren't you so excited? We're gonna be in a fricking movie."
"You do realize we're only extras, right?"
"Yeah, but still! Plus, it's one of my favorite books, so it's twice as great. I'm so excited! I'm gonna be on an actual set, and possibly meet a celebrity!" I carry on and on.
Savvy turns around and looks at me strangely. "You want to act, don't you."
I stop talking. "...Act?" But I hesitate a second too long.
She runs over and grabs my hands. "Allison Kristen Ford. You wanna be an actress. I knew it. You, of all people! Wow."
My red cheeks give me away.
She continues to talk. "Well, we need to talk to the director, and see if there is a minor part in the movie you can play, or talk to somebody from an agency. This is the best opportunity your gonna get!"
We continue talking as we get ready for bed.
As we're just falling asleep, Becka, whom I had forgotten was here, says "You do realize the chances of you scoring your big break are second to none. You might not even get an email, if they end up getting too many volunteers for extras."
Her words are a needle to the balloon that had been rapidly expanding inside me. But I fall asleep before I can think any more.

Not one of my best chapters but comment and vote
Ps. i have a new story up so u should check it out:)

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