Chapter 11

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Savvy's POV:
Break has finished and school ended a while ago, but I got preoccupied with detention so I'm just leaving and walking to my locker. The locker hall is empty, except for two people making out on the far side of the hallway.
I grab the books I need and start towards the exit where the couple is.
As I get closer I see the girl is Bethany
Rainsford, the girl who was being a bitch to me my first day here. Her tongue is in his mouth and he has his hands on her ass. As I'm walking past, Bethany seems to have an eye spasm or something. I think she sees me for a second, but she seems otherwise preoccupied. Her hand slides its way down the boy's chest and stops over his crotch. If I didn't know better I would think she's trying to make me jealous. Joke's on her though, because I have a boyfriend.
I pass them, and as I do, the boy pulls away and gasps, "Savvy!"
I turn around and my vision tints red. I hear the blood roar in my ears, and I want to beat Bethany senseless. Robbie stands there, his lips swollen, a hickey on his neck, and Bethany's hand still down his pants. She has an extremely smug look on her face.
All I can think is I was wrong. He is a player. "Ally was right about you. This. Whole. Damn. Time." I hiss.
With that, I spin on my heel and walk away.
"Wait, babe, this isn't what it looks like!"
I turn around. "Oh, really? What is it then?"
He doesn't say anything.
"I thought so." I say.
I exit the building, and he runs after me.
"Let me explain! Please."
"Go ahead. It doesn't make any difference."
"My parents had another fight."
I stop in my tracks and slowly face him. "I fail to see how this makes kissing Bethany Rainsford acceptable."
"I was feeling low and she was there for me. And it just kinda happened."
"One, I'm your girlfriend! I'm always here for you! Two, you could've pulled away when she kissed you instead of continuing to make out!" I yell at him.
"But maybe it was the escape I needed from my stupid miserable life!" He yells back.
My anger climaxes and I am so filled with rage I don't even yell anymore. My voice drops to a minimum, but it is pure malice.
"You. You know NOTHING about misery. Absolutely nothing. I have seem more pain then you will ever go through in your entire life, you ungrateful bitch. You have everything you could possibly want, yet you use that pathetic excuse that you were feeling low." I hiss, poking my finger into his chest. "You want misery? I'm not even supposed to be alive. It seems like nature has been trying to kill me since the day my mom became pregnant with me.
"I was an accident. My mom and her boyfriend had sex and bam! I existed. Except my mom didn't want me. She tried to get an abortion, but I somehow survived. Later, she went back to her boyfriend's apartment to get her stuff and he was there, with another woman. It completely broke my mom, and she committed suicide by jumping off a bridge. Because I was in her belly, I didn't die right away. So the doctors saved me. I was put into the foster system at three months old. A month later, I was adopted by the Evanston's. They were my family, as far as I was concerned. I grew up in Florida, and my whole family loved to surf. For my thirteenth birthday, we took a surfing trip to Hawaii. One day at the hotel, my mom asked me to go to housekeeping to get towels. It was all the way on the other side of the hotel, but I didn't mind. I was walking back when the fire alarms went off. I immediately went outside to look for my family. I couldn't see them anywhere, so I ran back inside. The closer I got to our room, the smokier the air got. Eventually I collapsed from smoke inhalation. A fireman found me. In the hospital I learned that my whole family was dead. The fire had been started by some teenagers smoking. Originally their smoke was the thing that set the alarms off, but they got scared and one dropped their cigarette on the carpet, causing it to go up in flames. Everything caught fire pretty easily. Ever wonder why my hair's so short? It caught fire when I was trying to get to my family. I had to shave my head.
After I got out of the hospital, I was put back in the foster system, bouncing from home to home because I couldn't behave. Eventually I ended up here. And I thought I actually was getting a redo, meeting you and Ally, but I was wrong. I thought I could actually be happy again." My voice shakes, but my eyes are dry. I haven't cried in a very long time. "And I regret the day I ever laid eyes on you. Bye, Robbie."
And I walk away, leaving him standing there looking after me, leaving every piece of hope and love I possibly had laying on the sidewalk, shattered at his feet.

Finally savannahs backstory!!! I was dying for u to know it and now u do!!! Altho its really tragic💧 but yeah vote and comment xoxo

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