New Life

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I ask myself,"Are all human beings truly equal?"These days everywhere you go there might be a talk about equality.

An elderly woman enters the bus.The bus is filled with student.

As a wise man once said,"Heaven does not create one person above or below another".For me,our equality is does not equal.In the end,the education is important after all.

The bus start moving.

But,human change over time based on their actions.Equality is just a fantasy after all.Most of us go through life denying that fact.

???:Ummm,excuse me sir?can you give your seat?"

My eyes land on a girl who has short blonde hair

???:"This is priority seat after all.Can you give your seat to the elderly woman?"

I look at the boy who has blonde hair with student uniform

Blonde boy:"My,my,pretty girl.It may be priority seat,but there is no law requiring me about it.Just because I'm young,you want me to give me the seat?"

The blonde hair boy chuckled a bit after his explanation

Blonde boy:"Nonsense.Even if I'm young,standing just might hurt my leg.Why should I do something with no benefit to myself?".

Blonde girl:"You should know that elderly woman having trouble standing upright".

Blonde boy:"Then what about the others?You can ask other passengers to give her seat after all".

Elderly woman:"Don't worry.I'm fine."

Blonde girl:"Can someone give her seat?"she said while shouting

I have my gazes upon,a female student who's reading a book and is sitting across me.

Young adult woman:"Umm,you can have mine"she raised her hand

Blonde girl:"Arigato gozaimasu!"she say while smiling

What a noisy,I'm glad it's over.Besides,that girl seems sus,I can sense some bitch aura from her.I need to be careful of her.

The bus arrives at a station.Students are disembarking.

"So this is my new school huh?"

Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School.A school established by the Japanese government to nurture young people who will support the country in the future and it's boasts 100% college entry rate.I wonder if I graduate from this school,that means I have to return to that place?

I wonder if I graduate from this school,that means I have to return to that place?

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Black haired girl:"Excuse me,may I ask something?Why are you looking at me?"

Black haired girl:"Excuse me,may I ask something?Why are you looking at me?"

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