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Hanwool POV

Manabu:"Welome to the Student Council (Y/N)(L/N)"He said while I shake his hand

"I'm honored"I said monotonely

Manabu:"But can you tell me why you're joining us?"

"Let's take a walk shall we?I don't mind if Tachibana-senpai follow us too"

We walk together around the school.

Manabu:"Then can you tell me?"

"I want to ask something,how are you viewing all class?I mean your perspective to the whole classes including kouhai"

Manabu:"Well,I see them as a equally.Each student have their own strength and weakness so they could help each other overcome an obstacle.That's why every exam,school rewarded them a class points so they can rise to Class A"

"Include your little sister as well?

He just feel silent.I guess I don't need to ask that question.

"I see,good answer.I heard that someone will change this school current system.Am I right?"I said as both of them surprised.

Tachibana:"How did you know?"

"I heard a rumors from second years"I lie.Fuka told me that,how caring she is.

Manabu:"So the reason you want to join Student Council is you want to protect this school system"I nodded.Actually,I just need that position because of my own desire.If I have that position,our class will risen.

"I want to change this society.I just want to treat them equally,you're lucky because I'm in Class D right now."

Manabu:"Good point,then can you be my successor?There will be an election for a few months for now."

"As long as you guys vote me,I don't mind.I just need a support from third years.I can't really trust second years because I think they're under the Vice-President control,except for few people"

Manabu:"Then I will make someone help you"

"Who is it?"

Manabu:"Kiriyama Ikuto"

"I don't need it.I already have someone I need.I think your choiceisn't best at all,because one of his classmates tell him that he will even betray his own class just to rise to Class A"

Manabu:"Then who's the person you already have?"

"Do you have ever name of Kiryuiin Fuka?"

Tachibana:"You mean a girl who has care-free attitude?She has her interest on Horikita-kun"

"Well,she have take interest on me as well.She can help me about that"

I should confess to her after sport festival.She's an interesting woman for me.

Manabu:"I see,then I will help you as well."

"Oh,another things I want to said."

Manabu look at me with curious expression

"Your sister,Horikita Suzune,has been grow.She start to rely on class unlike first semester.She also start to help class to rise as well.Although she want to be acknowledge by you,she want to be a different person who she have been chased for a long time.I hope it worth your time"

I see him having a small smile on his face.

Manabu:"As expected of you.Then I hope we will be like this in the future"


We started testing everyone's aptitude in earnest although Hirata policy didn't encourage forced participation,roughly 90 percent of the class took part of it.Only a few like Koenji and Sotomura,sat them out.

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