SS:A Day With Hansol

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What a drag.


"How I want to take care of her when I'm going to school?"

Kiyo:"Just bring her to the school then"

"You know it's not allowed right?"

Kiyo:"But it's none of my business"

"Listen here you little shi-"

He ended the call.

I swear I will smack him.

Flashback end

Korean language

"What do you want to eat?"I asked her.

Hansol:"Rice porridge!"


I start making rice porridge for her.When it finished,I start to feeding her.

"Is it good?"

Hansol:"Mhm!"she agree.

Haih I guess I have to bring her to the school.

"Take a shower later.We're going to school"

Hansol:"Oppa school?!"

I just nodded at her.


She takes a shower for 10 minutes.

I start wearing my uniform.

"Let's go"I lift her while she watch youtube on her phone.

While I'm walking,the students whispering about me.

'Who is that kid?'

'His daughter maybe'

'Bruh he's still young'

'But their face is same'

They start to ask me a question.Hansol seems uncomfortable with that so I'm run into the class.

Sae:"You're late.Who is that kid?Why did you bring her here?"

Hansol:"Oppa!Look!It's a thot!"

Some of my classmates start to laugh.

"Good Hansol"

Sae:"I asked you a question,(L/N)"

"It's my sister.There's nobody can take care of her so I have to bring her to the school"

Chabashira just sighed.

"Just sit already"

I give Hansol a wireless earphone so she won't disturb other.I let her sit on my lap.

Hansol just humming a song makes me annoyed.I look at Kiyo give me a thumbs up.

That bastard.

Chabashira-sensei start teach history while I just staring out of the window.

Haih it's a bad decision to bring her here.

After the class ended,some of my classmates ask us some question.

'Is that your sister?'

'She's so cute!'

'Look at her cheek'

Hansol:"Begone thot!"she yelled


I lift her and quickly get out of there.

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