Sudou problem

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After I failed the test,I'm being beaten up by that man

"Kurghhh"I said in pain

I fall into the ground.My body being beaten up until I even can't stand up properly.

???:"How pathetic"he said coldly

He stared coldly at me.

???:"Don't dissapoint me next time,Hanwool"He said before leaving me alone at the floor.

It hurts.It hurts.It hurts.It hurts.It hurts.The pain I feel slowly make my councious start to fade away.

[-Flashback end-]

I quickly get up from my bed.I dreaming about it again.I start wearing a shirt with tracksuit.

Even after I escaped from White Room,I still need to keep my body in shape.After finish exercising,I return to my dorm to make myself a breakfast.After eating,I'm taking my shower.After I finish showering,I start to wear my uniform without a coat because it's so annoying.I locked my dorm with a key.I headed to elevator waiting it to arrive.When the elevator is arrived,I noticed two girls who has some class as me.

Kushida:"Good Morning (L/N)-kun!"she said while smiling.There's no bruises or some slap that I do yesterday(power of the plot)

Suzune:"Getting in or not"

I ignored her as I walked in the elevator and stood beside Kushida.How annoying.Horikita pressed the buttons on the elevator panel to close the door and the elevator started to descend the ground floor.

Kushida:"(L/N)-kun,you've got a little bedhead going on your hair"she said.I decided to ignore these two for now.Besides,I'm not satisfied what happened last night.

We keep silent until the elevator arrived at the ground floor and the door opened.Horikita walking out without saying anything.Well,I like quiet atmosphere after all.

Kushida:"Awwww,I was really hoping we could walk to school together."

I don't care.Just keep quiet.I don't have my mood for today.


I heard a familiar voice.It turns out to be Icinose Honami.A leader of Class B.She's like Kushida,famous and beautiful,but not my type.

Kushida:"Morning,Ichinose-san!she greeted her back

Ichinose:"Eh?Is this your boyfriend"how could I fall for her?She's just a mongrel who make a deal with me

Kushida just laughing

Kushida:"Of course not"

Ichinose:"Really?I was sure...."just shut up.You make my mood worse.


Those two just chatting to each other.I decided to leave,I just need my time to be alone.

When I'm walking off,I heard those two talking about something important.I stopped in my track.

Ichinose:"That reminds me,did you guys received your points today?"she said



After the class ended,Chabashira-sensei explained to us what happened.There's some issue of point allocation.

Chabashira:"There's a bit of an issue.The provision of points to freshman has been delayed"

Most of the students react accordingly.

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