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Right now our class are studying with Class A and C.


Our class headed to the library.When we arrived,we found another class.

Sakayanagi walk towards us with her puppet,Kamuro,Hashimoto and Kito while Ryueen and his underlings look at us far away trying not to remember the rooftop incident.

Arisu:"Fufufufufufu,me and Dragon-Boy look forward for our cooperation,(L/N)"

Some of my classmates seems confused.Katsuragi who already noticed us complained to her.

Katsuragi:"What's the meaning of this,Sakayanagi?"

Chill down Johnny.

Arisu:'Just pay back our favor to his class.Don't you remember?He's the one who make our team win."she said smugly

Katsuragi:"........I guess it can be acceptable."

Arisu turned around and said something to her class.

Arisu:"You all.From today,Ryueen and Hanwool class will studying with us.I hope you treat them with kindness"She said smugly but there's another meaning behind the smile.

Class A:"Hah?Aren't we an enemies?"

Class C:"That's right"

"We just made an alliance."

Girls:"I mean if it's (L/N),I don't mind~"


Ryueen:"Kukukuku,you heard them.Treat them good or you end up mess with a wrong person."

His underlings just nodded their head

Flashback end

Well,I just do this so I can get an upper hand for upcoming Election.

I see Ryueen just mess with his underlings.

"Oi,Ryueen.Do your shit or I will beat your ass like last time"

Albert,Ibuki and Ishizaki start to sweat.

Ryueen:"Tch,what the fuck is this shit?"

"Hai,time to beat your ass"

He start to studying after I said that.

Koenji are checking my pawns if they're improving or not while Sakayanagi just solve a question with her usual smug.

???:"Eto,can we join too?"We're being interrupted and it's Class B leader and her naive friend,Ichinose Honami.

Ryueen:"Kukukuku,nope.It's already full"

Arisu:"Ryueen is right.Right now,our class are studying together.Your class end up interrupted us with your classmate smile we see everyday"

Ichinose:"E-Eh don't worry,we won't interrupted you.There is still a space in this table,right?"

My pawns start to move by put their belongings on the table.

Sudou:"Oh sorry.There's someone occupied this place."

Ichinose:"I-I see,then we will find another place"she said as her classmate leave.I'm sorry Kiyo-chan.

Seems like our plan is working.


Arisu:"But what about Class B leader?"

"We don't need her.She rule her class using trust method,not fear.That makes me disgusting."

Koenji:"That's true Hanwool-Boy."

Ryueen:"Then what're you gonna do to her class?"

"Of course,we will destroy her class first.But first,we must sabotage their class first.We must discourage them."

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