First day

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Hanwool POV

(I would not make cruise exam because it's mf tiring so I decided to skip that shit)

Hirata:"First,let's look what we already know.They provided five tents that each sleep eight,so we already have a place to sleep.Four flashlights,one box of matchboxes,backpacks and amenities for anyone and there's also sunscreen"

Kushida:"Whole week with only basics?"Bitch,it's not like we're gonna die in this island

Ike:"A survival test on a desert island?For real?"You think school gonna let you have your own vacation?

Hirata:"We have to find our food.A test of survival outdoors,ending at one wook from now"

Yamauchi:"But sensei told us that we still go swimming and have barbecues and others all stuff"Idiot,this is exam,yet you still want to have fun?

Hirata:"No,we can't waste our 300-points that they gave us,which could be a waste considering what we could buy:food,drinking and other stuff"

Yamauchi:"So you're not gonna buy th at the end of an exam,those things?"Ofc we would buy it

Hirata:"If we have any S points left at the end of our test,they'll be added to our class points"

Ike:"If we can tough it for a week,we could get 30,000 a month!A month!"Idiot

I see Karuizawa points at the survival manual.I could get some information from that manual

Karuizawa:"What's that?"

Hirata:"A list of things we could lose points for.For example,illness and injuries,pollution of thre surrounding environment,absence at morning and evening roll calls,and and violence or stealing from other classes."

Karuizawa:"But we still can gain more points,right?"

Hirata:"Of course,we can claim some certain spots around the island and we can get some bonus points."

(Y/N):"Hirata,can you lend me that manual for a second?"I said as he give me the manual.


Each class will granted 300 points

S-points can be spent to purchase items listed on the manual

Each class will chose 1 student to be their leader

Leader cannot be changed without a legitimate reason'Oh?This is interesting'

On the last of the test,each class will choose who is the leader of other classes

If they're correct,that class will get 50 bonus points,but if the leader is guessed incorrectly,the class loses 50 points as a penalty

bla bla bla(I'm too lazy to write the rules so yeah)

I close the manual and give it back to Hirata.While they're discussing the survival test,I and Horikita decided to separated from the group

Suzune:"This thing is so restrictive....."

"But there's penalty for removing the id watches.I bet there are special sensors and GPS devices hidden in that thing"

Kei:"Hirata-kun,I think we need to spent our points for a bit.Of course there's a reason"

Yukimura:"No!We shouldn't use our points for as long as we can"

Kei:"Don't you realize how difficult that's going to be?"

Girls:"That's right!"

(Y/N):"A basic toilet.You use a hyper absorbent polymer sheet to solidify waste.That might be hard for women"

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