Learn the truth

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(Y/N) has twisted personality so that's why he's being called Devil)

Hanwool POV

Koenji:"Look at our rich boy~"

(Y/N):"I'm not the one rich here you know.You also like me"I said while he just chuckled

Koenji:"Then should we go?"He said as I followed him.

We go to the cafe and girls start to approach both of us...........

Girls 1:"Look at them!It's Koenji and (L/N)!"

Girls 2:"Kyaaaaa it's our rich boy!"

Girls 3:"Can you be my sugar daddy~"

Ugh it's so noisy.Both of us ordered some coffee and sit on the chair.

"Why did you not participate the exam?"I said monotonely

Koenji:"Why?A beautiful person like me shouldn't go to that dirty place!It disgusting me so I retired myself so I can enjoyed some moments"

(Y/N):"You're an idiot aren't you?Because of you,we lose 50 points during the exam.We could've get higher points if you're not retired during the exam"

Koenji:"I don't care about that!I already perfect,so those defects doesn't deserve me"He said as he looked at his mirror and just brushed his hair.

Mendokusai.This person has the most ego in this world.

"Seems like your ego didn't change during the enroll.Maybe because your family is rich?"

Koenji:"Maybe,(L/N)-boy.I'm already a heir of my family company so I can do anything even if I got expelled from this school"

(Y/N):"Then just drop out.It's not like you're being useful to our class"I said as he just laughed make the attention turned to us.

Koenji:"My my,(L/N)-boy or should I say Hanwool-boy?Then what about you?You also a heir of White Lead company yet you go to this school.You can waste your time outside because your family is rich yet you enroll this school.Basically we're in the same boat,(L/N)-boy."

I just fell silent after his explanation.

Koenji:"Look?We just wanna enjoy our life.It's not like we're gonna have fun if we end up got our relative position"


Koenji:"Now now,since we're here,should we find some girls?"What the hell is he talking about

"What?To spend some night with them?"

Koenji:"Maybe~.Now let's go"We walk through the mall just to find his prey until he found someone.Koenji literally walks towards his prey while I just looked at him.Looks like his prey having a bad day.

Koenji:"Lady?Are you perhaps having a bad day?"

???:"Who are you?"

Koenji:"Just some kouhai in this school~"

???:"What do you want?"

Koenji:"Oh my bad~.Let me introduce myself.My name is Koenji Rokusuke,a sole male heir of Koenji conglomerate group.Can I ask if I can have your number?"

???:"Heir?Why a rich person like you approach me?"

Koenji:"Why?Because I'm interested in you~"he said seductively makes the girl blushed

???:"I-I mean if you want to,I-I don't mind"she said as she give her number to him.

Koenji:"Maybe we can hangout later or we can do some private things~"damn,he's good at it.

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