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This is just bullshit chapter


After the Election,my heart beat start to increase,Right now I'm in front of Student Council members.

"................You guys"

Their attention turned to us.

Arisu:"What's wrong (Y/N)?"

Koenji:"That's right.You never shaking like this.Same with you,Ayanokouji-boy."

".....Kiyo and I wouldn't back for 1 week."

They seems surprised by this.


"It's family matters.That's what I can say"I said."Rokusuke,while both of us gone,can you take over Student Council for a while?"

Koenji:"Leave it to a perfect person like me!"

"Let's go Kiyo"both of us walked off the room."You know you should break up with her."

When I said that,he pinned me to the wall and reveal his cold eyes.

"I told this for her own safety.Your father start to made his move.And one thing,she's useless Kiyo.We're being teach to sacrificed anything for our own goal.Does she know about your real side?She wouldn't even take it so just dump her.She doesn't deserve you"I said in cold tone 

Kiyo:".....I understand."

He let me go.

"Let's go.Director is calling for us."

We walked to the Director office and I knocked the door.

Director:"Come in"we entered the room and being greeted by Director.

"It's been a while Director"

Director just smiling.

Director:"It's nothing.Besides,you're leaving tomorrow right?You already told your classmates?"

"Not yet"

Director:"I see.I hope you guys will use this time for relax yourself."

"I understand Director"I said while both of us walked off.

Kiyo:"I guess we need to talk with our classmates"

I just nodded.


All classes is over.

"Wait I have something to told you guys"

They stopped moving and returned to their own seat.

Hirata:"What's wrong (L/N)?"

"Kiyo and I would headed home for 1 week."


Girls:"That's right!"

Ike:"Who will control the class when you gone?"

In the end,they still a defectives.

"You still have Rokusuke.Both of us have family matters.Private things"

Someone knock the door.

Sae:"(L/N),Ayanokouji,it's time to go."

We just nodded at her as we leaves the class.

Sae:"First,change your uniform."

We headed back to the dorm and change to our casual outfit.

We exit the dorm and 

Sae:"Go to the entrance in this school.Someone is waiting for you."

We go to the entrance of this school.Someone approach us.

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