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[---Hanwool PHI---]

I really hate swimming class.


Is this school got shirt for swimming.Cause I really need it now.Tch what should I do.Maybe I should try asking Chabashira sensei.Before I can leave,I got interrupted by the boys.

Ike:"Ken!You really have a toned body!"

Yamauchi:"As expected of him!"

Those guys already changing except me.Sigh what a troublesome.

Hirata:"(L/N)-kun,you should have change your uniform.This is swimming class after all"he said while smiling

Well fuck.You already put a bomb on me Hirata.

All boys land their gazes on me.Shit.

Sigh maybe I should change.

As I took off my shirt,the boys are silenced.They all staring at me like tf?you gay?

Ike:"Woah,you're so buffed (L/N)"

Sudo:"Even I can't compare my body being buffed like that."

Yamauchi:Yeah,are you perhaps play sports?You had some good physical shape"


They all staring at me who reveals 8 abs with some bruises and scars.

Hirata:Your skin is different from others.Your body has scars and some bruises around them?How did you get that?"

You had only one job Hirata.

While they're staring at me,I decided to do something.

"BAM!"I slammed the changing closet make them surprised.

"Are you just gonna stand there and stare at my body instead of the girls in their swimsuit?"i said monotonely

They quickly changed and leave the changing room while I followed them behind.

[---Flashback end---]

After I get out of the changing room,the pool become quiet.Why?They pay their attention on me.I heard some of them murmurs like 'what happened to his body' 'his body is quite toned,but there's some bruises and scars on his body' 'that body,i want to lick it' you know what?just forget about the last one.


After I said that,many girls running into me.Fuck.

Girl 1:"(L/N)!What happened to your body?!"

Girl 2:"Are you being bullied?If you're being bullied,I will find them no matter what!"

Others:"That's right!"

Some boys were glaring at me.How dare you mongrels glaring at me like that?

Koenji:"My,my (L/N) boy.I didn't know you have some quite toned body.But ofc I'm still perfect existence to everyone!KUHAHAHAH!"he said while laughing.


"It's nothing.I just got them when I'm doing my light exercise"

Of course I'm just lying.Those bruises are from that man.

Girls:"I'm glad"


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