Chapter 14

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(YN) reads the texts from her brother telling that she should be home right now, and there is something they need to talk about. (YN) doesn't seem to like that kind of messages from her brother, the tone sounds bossy and she feels like something unlikely is going on. But then, she still proceeded on dialing Michael's number and there she was greeted by him mentioning her name quickly.

"(YN)! Are you still in that town?" Michael stressed as he received the call.

"I am still here. Why?" (YN) answered in a dull way.

"You received my texts?"

"Yes, there are hundreds of them. Michael, tell me what is going on?" She asked, trying to get to the point of his brother's sudden approach.

"I've heard you've been assaulted?"

(YN) doubts what Michael said. "From whom you have heard that?"

"From the Duskwood Police Department exactly, there has been a report of the incident and they told me what happened. Are you okay now?"

"I'm fine now," (YN) replied calmly because she's figuring something out a little. There were no police attending the scene where she was assaulted therefore how come Michael knows that--- or rather, how the police found that out? She never went to a precinct to have a police blotter for the incident.

"(YN), come back here now. It's dangerous if you stay there longer."

Michael has this slightly panicked voice while (YN) was just standing calmly, listening to her brother and waiting patiently to discover the dubious actions of Michael. She really feels there is something to know, and there has been a hole in this occurrence and she has to see and it's getting big.

"Yeah, I've been hearing that since I came here. That thing is normal to happen in those kinds of places, and I told you I have friends here." She asserted. "And also, I'm getting change oil for my car."

"Then I will pick you up," Michael seriously decided.

"Wait, Michael, I'm not a teenager to treat me like this. I told you I am fine and I can handle myself." (YN) protested, turning down the thing that Michael will pick her up instead. "And why all of a sudden, you want to pick me up? I can wait for my car, okay? Can you please, calm down?" She said irritatingly.

"(YN), you are reasoning out." Michael observed.

"It's true," She stated. "Why the hell are you acting like this?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why you really want me to go back as if there's an emergency but actually there is nothing. You're paranoid." (YN) told her over panicked brother.

"(YN)!" Michael shouted from the line and that made her draw away the phone from her ear. "Stop acting innocent now. I know what you're doing there, investigating that Hannah's case and don't you even lie." He warned as (YN) takes a deep inhale.

Now Michael knew about me. (YN) thought, concluding the thing that her brother realized her lie when they talked on the phone last time and the fact that she's investigating cases like this. They are now even, Michael knows her real identity and so was she to the truth about her brother. (YN) knew for a very long time that her Michael is involved in a syndicate group, the Corvus Order, for him to protect it, he's a dirty cop as others would say, and that is the reason why (YN) doesn't trust her brother at all in this kind matters.

"Fine, no more lies." She affirmed as her grip on her phone tightened and continued on talking with Michael. "I am here to find Hannah, and guess what I happened to stumble with your reincarnated friends. Michael, I am sorry but it's their time to vanish forever. You can't stop me." (YN) informed with firmness in her voice.

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