Chapter 7

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"Phil!" (YN) uttered. "Did you know that you scared me?" She said clutching her chest.

"Hello (YN)," Phil greeted (YN) with his trademark smile, the left part of his lips arose like a smirk and the rest were a half grin. "Sorry but you can't be here in this area." His face then suddenly became serious as he pulled (YN) with her hand away from that hallway.

"I'm actually looking for the washroom." (YN) lied, pretending to be innocent just like the way she talked to her brother on the phone awhile ago. She felt like there is something wrong, it's getting suspicious all of a sudden. We have something to discuss more, Mr. Aurora Bar. She thought.

"Oh, alright, it's on the left side." Phil pointed in the direction where the sign of the washroom can be seen.

(YN) looked at it and excused herself. "Apology didn't see it. This place is quite huge, I'll see you around." Just before she could go, Phil stopped her for a moment to ask.

"By the way, (YN). Would you mind if you meet me in the bar counter right there after?"

"Sure." She nodded and immediately walked away.

(YN) only fixes herself and stays in the washroom for a while just to process what happened back there; the logo she saw on that hallway and the way Phil changes his expression when he caught her in that area. Maybe it's a VIP area, possibly. But what is the connection of that familiar logo? She's worried if he will interrogate her about that. However she can't see any reason for that to happen and what questions that will be asked to her. She let out a sigh as she looked at herself in the mirror, left the wash room and headed towards the bar. (YN) spotted Jessy and Richy to be having a good time for a moment while she's not yet around, they looked good together and so she decided not to disturb them in a mean time. She sat on one of the vacant stools in the bar counter and searched for Phil.

As soon as they both saw each other, (YN) gave a brief smile and Phil waved his hand and showed his smile. She needs to act normal. He approaches (YN) and asks what drink she wants to have.

"Give me your best offer then." (YN) answered and Phil proceeded on serving her drink. As she watches Phil doing a bartender's skills, she notices that the sleeves of his t-shirt is rolled up and his biceps with some cool tattoos are shown, his appearance looks better with his wavy shoulder length hair that is tied up in half. This dude is cool, no wonder why he's called a womani---, her thoughts were interrupted when she heard two girls behind her who were actually watching Phil and his bartending.

"He's hot, isn't he?" The other said the other with her friend, who agreed on her compliment. But they left later on when they looked down to (YN) with annoyance.

Her attention just went back to Phil when he finally reached the satisfying ombré yellow and orange color cocktail drink with some other cute stuff in front of her.

"A Sunshine Euphoria for you, pretty lady." Phil said as he winked at (YN) who doesn't know what to react to his trademark smile, to his compliment and to his wink at her. "Try it. I don't put too much alcohol on that one 'cause I believe you're driving. Cheers." He tapped his own drink to her glass as he sipped on his own.

(YN) drank her drink as well and she can say that it is absolutely a good cocktail drink. She smiled and showed thumbs up on him.

"This is nice. It is." She informed me as she drank one more. "So, Sunshine Euphoria, it sounds luxurious in a way especially the taste."

Phil leaned down towards and whispered in her ear. "Don't you remember? I appreciate beautiful girls."

(YN) left astounded from the moment he came so close to him, his husky voice became even more attractive in hearing when he whispered and the fact that he told (YN) those words to her directly like what he mentioned on their chat. She hastily finished her drink and tried to calm herself while Phil is not yet looking. What the heck is this man? What kind of weird charm did he put on my drink? She thought.

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