Chapter 24

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"(YN)!" Phil shouted as he pushed her outside and along with that surprise, three consecutive sounds of gunshots was heard. They both fell down. (YN) the notice that Phil is no longer standing and blood is coming out from him that scattered the whole floor. He saved her from catching those bullets that fatally shot him in the back. "(YN)"



"Dad!" (YN) shouted from afar and ran towards her father who is dying after being shot in the chest, three times. Blood spread on the carpet so fast from her father who is trying to take last moments of his breaths.

"It will... be fine." Her father said as his hands slowly fell down. He was instantly gone with his eyes wide open. (YN) started to cry while the guards were trying to get her away from the scene. She just keeps on calling her dead father and she can't do anything.


(YN) woke up from a dream that sent tears to come out from her eyes. It's a memory from her past where she witnessed how her father died. That tragedy appears to happen again last night to her. It's like a déjà vu. The situation may be different but (YN) have the same feeling, same pain, and same despair towards what happened to Phil last night.

During the middle of her runaway to go to Duskwood, she made a stop from the same place where Phil and she had that sunrise view before coming to the real whereabouts of Hannah. Guess, she really was right about the peaceful moments before the storm, she expected errors in her plans but not the tragedy and she blames herself for that.

(YN) still feels so low and it gives her a depressing atmosphere, her eyes just start to water but try to ignore it for she has other things to do. It's hard for her to think and not to think about what happened, however there is an urge inside her to be strong and that she must continue no matter what.

(YN) has to clean herself and aid her wound shot first before going back to Duskwood. And aside from that, she badly needs caffeine and food so she can have energy and to wake up her senses while driving. But after going back to the car, she saw herself from the rear view mirror. Even though she already ate and cleaned herself, she can still feel that she is very tired from every event that occurred that whole night.

Tired, not just physically but mentally and emotionally. She just then let herself close her eyes for a moment and slowly fell asleep.

She only woke up from her dreams and the ring from her cell phone. It was a quiet and cold morning and the whole place was covered in thick snow. She took her phone out of her pocket; saw the time at 8:32 A.M, and a notification that Richy just contacted her. There are no other messages so she thinks it's not that important and calls Jake instead to check what happened to him and if he already reached Duskwood.

(YN) dialed Jake's number but there were no answers. She dialed again yet all she could hear was a ringing from the line. Now she began to wonder what happened to him and hoped he was okay. She fixed herself and wore her jacket, getting ready to start the car but Richy called her again.

"Richy,"(YN) answered him.

"(YN), hi. Listen, I have something to tell you." He sounds serious but the tone is maintaining calmness. (YN) raised suspicion all of a sudden.

"What is it?"

"Where are you now?"

(YN) suddenly doubts but tells him the truth. "Going back to Duskwood. Why?"

"What? No. Listen carefully; I don't think you can just show yourself here." He warns her and (YN) gets alarmed.

"What do you mean?"

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