Chapter 14

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Lily wiped most of the condensation off of the bathroom mirror after she got out of the shower. Dra she immediately rubbed the three letters off the mirror when she realised who's name she was about to write.

After she put her underwear on she stared down at the scar draco carved into her.

"It's going to scar you good, that's why I did it that deep."

"I'm just going to use magic to heal-"

"Don't even think about it." Draco said as he stopped her from healing it, lily kept her head down and glanced up under her lashes except when draco made eye contact with her she shot her eyes back down.

When lily properly looked at it she realised what he carved into her, 'D.M' she immediately ran to his mirror to get a better look at the letters.

"You can't be serious, I'm not keeping this."

"Yes you are lily."

"No draco I'm not-" lily tried grabbing her wand from the desk that draco was leaning against but draco got it before she did and put it into his trouser pocket.

"I'm not taking no for an answer..."

"Lily hurry up, we're going to miss the train."

"I'm coming, just give me a minute-" she shouted, looking at the scar one more time before pulling her shirt over it.


"Can you believe it, 2 week break is already here and I'm so ready for it." Charlotte said

"Same I'm so excited."

"I definitely am not excited, my parents are going away for the two weeks so I have to stay at my dads work friends house."

"Wait doesn't your father work for a big company so maybe they have a fat mansion y'know with the posh bathrooms that look like they could be in a museum." Abbie tried to make lily feel better by saying this.

"True." Charlotte agreed

"But I don't even know who they are, when my parents told me they just said they're a family my father works with and that I have to be extra polite to them."

"Why the extra politeness?"

"Because probably my dad works for them not with them."

The next day

The next day

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