Chapter 8

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After spending the hour in the library, lily left her friends and headed to the bathrooms that no one really used because how far of a walk it was however lily liked sneaking around Hogwarts at when it started to get darker, it made her breath in all the magic that was truly around her and she loved it.

High ceilings, old broken tiles and cobwebs formed inside the toilets. Lily had an eerie feeling in the pit of her stomach as she snapped her head behind her to see if someone followed her in. But no one was there, which freaked her out a little although she shook off the feeling and just entered a cubicle.

When she finished washing her hands, that eerie sense returned, she could almost hear a voice in the back of her head, giving her enough comfort to say to herself, it's your imagination, your being paranoid...

Something made her check over her shoulder then she looked back into her reflection to splash water on her face, your being a silly wuss, she sighed until a sense of foreboding stole over her so she checked her surroundings suspiciously.

"H-hello" she softly spoke out to whoever she thought was there. Her voice drifted into an echo, the single sound of wet dripping from the far corner made her feel uneasy. She slowly walked to the door, trying not to make a noice because maybe she wasn't alone.

Just before she exited, she got pulled back into the toilets by a two large hands, one over her mouth so her screams were muffled and the other wrapped around her small waist, pulling her all the way back, near the sinks until they slammed her body against the titles in dampened room.

"Don't scream princess, it's me." She looked up at draco, her blood still pounding in her ears. Her heart thudded in her chest as her hands still uncontrollably shaking around dracos wrist.

"What the hell- you could've gave me an heart attack."

"I know, you look all hot flushed in the face" he laughed leaning his hands on the wall besides Lily's head.

"Your an utter pussy, h-hello..." he mocked

"Feel my heart, that's beating way too fast." She pushes his hand over her chest to feel her heart beats, as she focused on the thudding she never realised that draco couldn't stop smiling at her, her rosey cheeks glowing, the way her hair was all messy, it was obvious that he was studying her. Anyone else would know he was except from her.

He turned his head to the side as soon as he realised what he was doing, stop fucking smiling so much draco, he thought.

"What are you doing roaming around at night, you know that's not allowed, i could get you into ah serious trouble if I wanted to." He bit his bottom lip to hide his smirk.

"You wouldn't- I know you wouldn't because you would get into just as much trouble as I-"

"I'm kinda a prefect so I can-"

"Ex prefect-" she corrected him.

Something about her innocent grin niggled him so he stared back at her again, studying all her features, bearing in mind, all this happened within a minute until she looked into his blue swirled grey eyes, his eyes were different in this moment, more soft than she knew eyes could be. And she couldn't drop her gaze, instead they drew her in closer, she wanted more.

"What do you want from me draco?" She whispered not breaking the intense eye contact.

Draco, she said his first name again, he loved the way his name rolled off her tongue. He gradually stepped closer towards her, to the point where there were no space between either of them. He definitely thought about kissing her then and there but he wanted to know why she spoke to Cedric diggory earlier today.

"Cedric diggory mhm." He tilted his head to the side, the jealousy rich in his voice.

From dracos point of view, that hufflepuff cedric diggory was a complete fucktard; never with innocent intentions as he's his name got around as much as dracos did.

"What do you mean?" She arched an eyebrow, her naive eyes confused by what he said.

"Why did I see you with him earlier?"  He growled

"I bumped into him by accident that's all, were you- were you following me?"

"Not intentionally no." His eyes falling to her lips then back up to her eyes.

Her eyes flickered back to his again, mouth going dry as she bit her bottom lip to try to release some tension.  "I need to go-" she tried to walk past him however dracos hand pushed her back.

"How are your legs doing, still sore?" He asked her, breaking the deafening silence that lingered.


"I know you want me just as much as I want you, Rearranging all of your insides" Draco continued boldly "you crave the way I can make you feel from just one single touch," his right hand slowly going under her pleated skirt, fingertips lightly gliding up her leg, lily gasped as she felt his fingers slightly hooked under the hem of her underwear.

She felt again this rush of helplessness as he grabbed a handful of her hair, bending her head back all the way before gently planting wet kisses along her neck up to her jawline.

Lily lightly moaned from his quick actions until finally claiming her mouth again, kissing her, softly at first then with a swift gradation of intensity that made her cling to him. His insistent mouth was parting her shaking lips, feeling tongue against tongue made her moan into his mouth.

The palm of his hand roughly pressed against her neck as her fingers glided skilfully through his hair. Until draco broke the last kiss, turning his head to the side, "did you hear that?" He whispered to his witch. "Pansy where we going?" The voice echoed throughout the long toilets

"Fuck Theo and pansy." Draco grabbed Lily's hand, holding it tightly as he hides them both in the closest cubicle. He swiftly puts his hand over her mouth so she couldn't say anything aloud.

Sorry about not updating them all at once, the writing is taking longer than I would've liked :((

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