Chapter 17

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TW: self harming.

The letters.

Half- conscious, Lily already knew she wasn't laying on the lumpy, narrow, seventeenth-century arm chair she tried so hard to fall asleep on. The familiar smells of his bed sheets made her feel protected and safe.

She pushed the small blanket off, rolled over, reaches for him but he wasn't there.

Consciousness crept over her, reality coming with it. She was in draco malfoys bed. The draco malfoy who broke down in front of her last night. The draco malfoy who told her to stay away from him.

But here she was somehow waking up in his bed just like she did once before.

Where she felt safe.

Lily slowly peeled her eyes open and began to sit up, placing her hand on the back of her neck which hurt because of the position she laid in for most of the night.

Stupid chair...

Her gaze instantly focused on him, sitting in his desk chair with his head in his hands. She heard him whispering a three specific words over and over again to himself. Lily wanted to know what these unfamiliar words meant.

What is he hiding.

Lily tried getting out of bed carefully without draco noticing. When she stood up the floor didn't creek like she thought it would, Until she hit the book that was keeping her entertained the night before with her left foot, making a loud thud.

Draco paused but didn't say anything to her.

"leave." He finally said

"I assume you've taken the sober up potion." She said confidently with both her arms crossed over her chest. Before draco could reply lily continued, "And I'm not leaving this room until you tell me what the hell last night was about?"

"I don't have to explain myself to you. Nor do I have the time for this bullshit so leave—"

"I think I deserve one draco—"

"Think again" He flicked through the pages of his book as  he spun his pen around his fingers.

"Maybe I can help if you just—"

"Lily" his voice slowly rising.

"Let me—"

Malfoy forced himself off the chair, his eyes were hard as steel, Boring into her. "Get out!"

There faces were so close together, Lily could feel his warm breath ghosting across her face. But she didn't care how scary draco looked right now. She didn't even care how terrified she really was. She leaned her head forward as she stared into his eyes, "No."

He stared straight back at her, wide eyed.

Before she even paused to think he suddenly pushed her back on the bed, with his hand around her neck.



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2021 ⏰

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