Chapter 16

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TW: non-con mentions will be talked about in this chapter. Please do not read on if you don't want feel comfortable.

We need to talk.

Hogwarts wanted students to come back early since it wasn't safe anymore for them not to be together in school. And parents complained about their children's safety.
lily took the next train back, without malfoy.

She met her friends on the train however something just felt different, because the thing was she liked draco malfoy.

He's playing with you...

"You okay lily?"

"Yeah I just— didn't get a lot of sleep last night that's all." There was a pause as she hesitantly spoke to Abbie. She stayed quiet and continued to gaze out of the window for another 3 minutes before the compartment door slid open.

"Lily your good friend Zabini here wants to speak with you." Lily was on her feet the moment she saw him behide Charlotte.


"Hello stranger"

After the room turned silent, blaise turned to Charlotte and Abbie. Abbie knew it was there queue to leave so she grabbed Charlotte by the arm, taking her through the door.

"Have fun." Charlotte mouthed at lily before leaving them alone.

His white sleeves were rolled up and one hand was in his trouser pocket.

"Lily look— before we left for the holidays... it was crazy and hot and malfoy was out of his mind for...watching us.
But listen I think it's best we just stay friends. I like you. I just don't want to mess up our friendship. And my friendship with... others."

Lily didn't know what to say. She also liked blaise however she only liked him as a friend, nothing more.

"Yes— yeah I think we should just forget about the whole thing. It wasn't my idea— malfoy... he felt the need to prove a point with something."

"He wanted to prove a point?" Blaise said it in such a confused way, that it made lily question everything she just said.

"Yeah... it was something between us that made him pissed off I suppose so he—"

"I know you know" blaise smirked (trying not to laugh.) the moment he seen the worry in Lily's eyes.

"You... know? Know what."

Nervously laughing to make it even more obvious...

"I know you guys have been shagging."

"What no, no we haven't—"

"Look lily he's my best friend. I've basically known the guy my whole life. I know when he's hiding something."

"Blaise I—"

"Don't stress about it, I'll keep your dirty little secret to the grave. Cross my heart." He put one hand on Lily's shoulder as he crossed his heart with the other.

"Thank you, it was a one time thing anyways. Malfoy seems pretty done with me."

"Done with you? Pfft please I see the way he looks at you in the hallways and the great hall— oh shit is it that time already, fuck... sorry I have to go. I have homework I need to finish before this train stops otherwise I'm screwed."

"Just give it time, he'll show how he really feels eventually, it's just difficult for malfoy." He kindly smiled back at her before he slid the door open to leave.

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