Chapter 15

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The next few days draco toured lily around malfoy manor even beyond the malfoy grounds. She loved it. She loved how draco told her about where he use to go as a boy although sometimes he'll catch himself telling her way too much and stop.

On this particular morning Lucius was home, already sitting at the table with Narcissa.

When draco walked in she saw the look of sadness flash across his face when he looked over at his father. He'd always give his mother a kiss on the cheek before he sat down.

"So lily what do you think about the malfoy manor? Do you like the small tours draco has been taking you on these past couple of days?" Narcissa looked over at lily as she sipped her tea.

"It's been wonderful, the manor is beautiful and I'm glad draco has been showing me around the place." She smiled back at Narcissa before glancing at draco who was already staring back at her with a small grin on his face.

A loud bang on the table interrupted them, there eyes shot the down the bottom of the table to where Lucius sat. The bang came from the thick folded newspaper hitting the table. "Draco and I have to head out shortly." His eyes slowly shifted to Draco then to Lily.

Narcissa paused monumentally before she nodded back at Lucius. Lily could see her eyes had fear deep inside them as she looked across the table at draco. It puzzled her when she seen the same fear in draco too.

Draco didn't once again look over at lily before he left with his father through the fireplace. Narcissa left lily shortly after too so she decided to take the newspaper and head to her room.

Daily profit by Rita seeker


Here it is, this it the start of the beginning. Death eaters raiding throughout england. The recent attacks left everyone in horrid worry of what will come. Two of the 11 were fellow students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Perry brown and Daphne whitehouse...

Lily dropped the newspaper on the floor, she couldn't read on. She didn't let herself read on because she was terrified of what else the profit would say. No body realised until now how serious this was getting.


Draco and his father hadn't returned the night they left. In fact they didn't return for another 2 days. Lily mainly stayed in her room throughout the day until she decided she would take a walk through the gardens by herself. She needed the fresh air.

As she walked down the steps of the manor she glanced up at the large green hedges. Draco never showed her the maze and she already explored most of the grounds with him. He did specifically tell her not to enter the maze but lily being lily,

"What harm would it be." She whispered to herself as she slowly entered.

It was a cold afternoon, the fog hovered the grounds of the maze. She counted her steps as she walked deeper into it.

1,2,3,4,5.. she paused as she thought she heard a sound coming from a bush...6,7,8,9...hypnotising humming that set her mind at ease made her walk further in. She felt like she was floating rather then walking as she touched the hedges on the left side with her hand.

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