Chapter 2

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Draco pov:
I glanced up to see her this year , she was so different, was that even her? She wasn't what I expected her to look like.
Lily Rose, she was alway quite and sweet to everyone. Obviously she's a hufflepuff, I loved teasing her throughout the years. I had a little crush on her as a boy however I never showed it well tried not to anyway.

She didn't have them large glasses on her face; her hair was dark brown, Her uniform finally fit probably too, not too big. It hugged her body but I could only see the top, Brown doe eyes looking at me timidly. Was she scared?

I sat myself down. Her body was right at the corner.

"Why are you sat like that" i stared at her with my eyebrows raised in confusion.

"I'm giving you space" she almost whispered to me

"I have Space" I stated, She looked at me then slowly sat normally, my elbow were touching hers.

"What's that on your cheek" I second glanced


"Right there" I pointed to her cheek

"Is that chocolate spread?"

"Ohh I- ah... maybe-" She quickly wiped it away as her face went a shade of red.

I had to laugh at that. What a strange strange girl...

Lily pov:

That's embarrassing, I'm embarrassing!

As the lesson went on, malfoy couldn't stop toying with me by trying to poke or touch me every chance he got. I soon realised my skirt had risen up quite far so I pull it down and as I did I feel a pair of eyes watching me.

Draco devilishly smirks at me, I gulp hard at his reaction, "Your all shy around me this year Rose, why is that?"

"No I'm- no way-" I get completely cut off by professor snape

"Miss rose care to tell the class what your speaking about with mr malfoy" I feel my face heat with embarrassment as everyone turns to look at me.

"No sir, sorry sir. We were just just-"

"Rose didn't understand a question professor and ask me to help her" I gave him a confused look, it's definitely not like malfoy to do that, he'll normally like to see the student suffer in front of the whole class.

"Very well but next time save it miss rose"

My eyes wonder back to snape, "yes professor."


Lesson finally finishes so I pack my things and head out, Abbie and Charlotte had to go to the library and Theo wanted to speak to me randomly about something so I told him I would meet him outside near black lake.

I walk down the stairs when I feel a sharp grip on my arm.

"Hey what do you thi-"

"You owe me big time lily" Draco whispers.

He called me by my first name...

We were standing extremely close so close I could feel his minty breath on my cheek, No one was around because he pulled me to the deserted part of the school. This part was filled will ghost and cobwebs, however people were always over dramatic with the ghost part.

"Why do I?" I questioned already knowing about what he was on about

"Because of what just happened in lesson, we werejust just-" he mocked me in a girly high pitch voice

Draco's right hand leaned on wall just above my head and his other hand grips my hip, trying to support his own body weight. My body felt cold against the stone wall. I feel my lungs stop, I'm a sad ass virgin that has never even had a boyfriend or even kissed anyone.

He then came closer,  pushing himself into me. His head tilted as he whispers the words

"See you around"

And like that he was gone, My body finally being able to move again. I had to give myself a minute, What just happened.


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