Chapter 10

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"I think of it this way, you only live once and not for that long may I add so you might as well just tell him how you really feel..." Lily heard another student explain to her friend what she should do while they sat in the hufflepuff common room.

Lily looked back down to her book, her hand slowly turning the page, her mind spun thinking whether or not she should just try and explain to draco exactly how she felt. "Do it!" She heard the younger student tell her friend, " just go tell him-" she jumped up and down encouraging her best friend to just go now before it's too late.

Lily glanced up to the clock, seeing that it was nearing curfew so she ran to her dorm room where Abbie and Charlotte were both getting ready for bed.

Lily grabbed both sides of the door frame as she poked her head into the room. "I'm going out- I- I need to speak to this person-" she quickly spoke,

"Can't it wait til mornin-"

"No-" she cut Abbie completely off, "sorry its just very important so... don't wait up-" Lily's eyes flickered to abbies then Charlottes before she ran out of the hufflepuff common room, heading straight to slytherin Dungeons to where she would hope to fine draco.

Bearing in mind she sneaked throughout the corridors to get to the Dungeons. She slowly stopped at the stone door but before she could think what the hell she was doing she heard a voice behide her,


She turned while her eyes were shut close from the fear of who it might be standing behind her her. She opened her eyes when she remembered that voice.

"Zabini hi-" she awkwardly looked up at him,

"Last time I checked you were a hufflepuff-" his eyebrows were raised in confusion.

"Right- well I- I need to speak to...malfoy so could you possibly let me in?" She asked

"Malfoy? Aha... Malfoys ah busy right now, maybe speak to him tomorrow about whatever you need to-"

"No I need to speak to him it's urgent, about- about this homework assignment that's due in tomorrow- were partners you see..."

"Trust me he's very very busy-"

"Please." Her voice sounding softer in hopes blaise would let her inside.

"Fine but I did warn you, malfoy doesn't like to be interrupted by any means when he's... well you'll just-" he chuckled as he mumbled, Lily did think twice about what blaise was trying to say however her naive innocent self didn't really think about anything sexual, just thought he meant draco was sleeping.

"Pure blood" blaise whispered, the stone door concealed in the wall, sliding open.

"Ladies first." Blaise moved to the side of the door with his arms open, welcoming the hufflepuff inside the common room. Lily walked in slowly while zabini followed her behide. The slytherin common room was low underground with rough damp walls and green chandeliers up on the ceiling.

"Your common room is so different to mine." Lily's eyes wondered. "I like it." She slowly spun around taking the whole room in. When she went to the slytherin party, she couldn't really take a proper look at the whole room because how dark it was with the strobe lights and misty air.

"Yeah me too, I'm never gonna get use to it." He giggled as he looked around with wide eyes like it was he first time in there again.

"anyways I'm going to go to my dorm now so... have fun with the assignment, oh do you know where malfoys room is?"

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