Chapter 11

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When lily got back to her dorm room last night, both Abbie and Charlotte were already fast asleep so she quickly got changed into a vest top and crawled into bed.

She cried into her pillow about what draco had done and how he told her she meant nothing to him. Obviously she was hurt, everything she thought he did was all a stupid 'mind fuck' While she cried she thought of when he touched her hand that day same day in lesson. Why? Why did he do that in lesson. He made me think him and I were-

she slowly sat up wiping her tears away as she remembered who she was crying over, this wanker, the biggest fucker in the school. Draco malfoy. That's when it hit her to just not care about the whole situation. Easier said than done...

The next morning started off like any other typical day would, Lily was already dressed into her hufflepuff uniform, ready for the long day ahead.


"So who did you go to see last night?" Abbie grinned at lily as she pour her milk in her cereal.

"Oh it was- it was nobody. Just someone from my potion lesson that's all."

"So you guys coming tonight?"

"Charlotte you know I will not go if lily doesn't, anyways that band- who even are they?"

"Muggles duh, common please both of you come with me, we need some fun tonight." Charlotte begged

"Fine but I need a new look, I'm sick of everyone saying I'm bla bla bla" lily made funny gestures with her hand as she spoke.

"Deal I'll help." Charlotte smirked


"Don't you think this is a bit much guys?" Lilys self confidence dropped when she looked at herself in the mirror.

"Are you serious right now, bitch I wish I had your body- everyone in Hogwarts wishes they had your fucking body-" Abbie smiled

"Trust me you look hot." Charlotte devilishly smiled at her.

Lily took the gloves off and added straps on both sides of the dress for the extra support then they finally headed out through the portal mirror

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Lily took the gloves off and added straps on both sides of the dress for the extra support then they finally headed out through the portal mirror.

The beats of the music were vibrating off the walls as she entered through the mirror. Lily peered down at the crown below her, all full force and ready to party.

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