Chapter 4

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We enter the common room, There was green flashing lights throughout the dark open room. Abbie and Charlotte both seen sid and James so they turn to me awkwardly, feeling guilty about wanting to go to them.

"It's fine go, I'm going to sit on the sofa for a bit anyways." I softly say

"Okay see you later then Lils" Charlotte really didn't care that much because she must be in 'love'

"Are you sure lily?" Abbie eyebrows raised as she touched my arm.

"Yes honestly go to James and have fun, you need it" she hugged me then slowly disappeared into the crowd.

I take a deep breath as I'm thinking to myself what the hell am I doing here. I head to the drink area first to drink whatever they have.

"What's in this?" I try and make small talk to the lad standing next to me.

"ITS POWERFUL FUEL" crabbe shouts in my left ear above the music.

I looked back down at the liquid in the bowl, As I do a hand grabbed the scooper, I glanced across the table to fine it's pansy.
Of course it's pansy.

She gives me that bitch stare, we all know the bitch stare I'm on about. "Aww is their no apple juice here for you, awe shame..."

Pansy then poured the drink inside her cup, drinking it all in one. Her face looked sour for a moment, so me being me I felt this rush to prove that I'm not just this timid little girl that everyone thinks I am in that group especially her. I took the scooper off of her and put it in a way larger cup then downed it all in one, Taking a few vodka shots that was nearest to me.

I was dying from the burning sensation down my throat, I see Parkinson scoff at me with her arms now crossed. I lifted my hand up to my mouth, swiftly wiping the sides of my mouth.

I walked off like a badass. I felt like a badass tonight.


I've never really drank before so I felt a little dizzy as someone else gave me another drink or two, It was Theo. I had to sit down somewhere, the common room was so packed and too wild at this point.

"You look so fine tonight Lily" I turn to look at Theo with a little drunken smirk formed on my face.

"Why thank you, I feel a little tipsy right now though" a giggle slips out of my mouth as I feel his thumb touch my chin and bottom lip.

Theo then grabs my hand and takes me somewhere, I didn't feel myself even moving, God how much did I drink.

"Nott what you doing-" I slur the word out like I'm some sort of infant.

I start to hear the music dimmer down and fade.

"I knew you and I had way more going on, I just- draco tried to convince me otherwise but I knew- I knew you've always liked me..." I started to feel him kiss down my neck, He moves his hands slowly up my thigh reaching under my dress then I snap back realising what's happening.

"Theo- Theo get off!" I screamed as I tried to push him off of me.

"Lily calm down I thought you wanted me to-"

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