Chapter 9

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Draco moved his hand away from her mouth once they were trapped inside this small cubicle, waiting for pansy and Theo to be done. He merely stood still, his tongue rolled on the inside of his cheek as he looked up at the ceiling.

"Fuck sake-" he whispered looking back down at lily.

Awful moaning sounds echoed throughout the room, Draco stood tall, towering over lily as he leaned on the door be-hide her. Once lily started hearing pansy calling Theodore bizarre unusual names she couldn't hold in her laughter anymore. She shook her head at draco, smiling with pursed lips. But just before her laugh erupted, one of dracos hands came flying over her mouth, making the door behide her rattle from the sudden force. His eyes flickered to hers, smiling just as much as she were.

Draco could control it, a small grin flashing across his face once he looked away from lily, thinking to himself as weird as the situation is right now, I like this, being with her...


Monday morning

It had been a few days since lily last seen draco, she tried to focus on her school work however her mind always wondered back to him. She just couldn't help it, she liked him and that's what terrified her is that she liked him. Lily never would ever admit her small feelings towards draco. Never in a million years... she repeated.

Lily walked into the great hall with Abbie and charlotte after forcing her to have breakfast instead of running off to the library.

Small fire works flew over everyone's heads, Lily looked over her shoulder, curious at who set them off. She turned her head back to her friends with a confused look plastered on her face.

"The Weasley twins." Abbie answered

"Ah right that- that would make sense." She laughed

Charlotte and Abbie were talking animatedly about the work assignment they needed to finish before third. Lily randomly glanced over at the slytherin table out of habit,

"Hello, earth to lily, did you get given this  homework?" Abbie pulled her arm to get her attention

"What's wrong with her all of a sudden?" Charlotte asked Abbie

"Nothing." I answered "and no my class didn't get that homework..."

Not touching her food, Lily's eyes pondered, staring at draco while he had a daily profit newspaper folded in half in one hand, reading it as he ate his food.

She kept her head down and glanced up under her lashes until she thought it was safe to lift her head up a little.

Lily, what are you staring at?" Abbie intruded, her eyes following her stare.

At that precise moment, his eyes flashed over to meet hers. She quickly dropped her head letting her long brown hair fall to conceal her face. She didn't want him to know she was staring at him. The instant there eyes met
he looked merely curious and unsatisfied in some way.

"Malfoy is staring straight at you lils." Abbie giggled in her ear.

"What- he isn't-" she fake laughed.

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