Chapter 13

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"Please lucius he didn't- he didn't mean anything by it- don't hurt him."

"Shut your mouth whore and you come with me boy..."

"Yes fa- father." draco glanced over his shoulder at his mother crying on the floor before he walked down into the dark room with his father.

"How old are you?"

"S- seven."

"Well then every seven year old boy that disobeys his father must be punished. Lift your shirt up..."


"draco wake up." Dracos eyes shot open as he heard his name being called out. Lily laid next to him with a worrisome look on her face.

"What?" He snapped after she showed concern on her face, he pushed her away and sat on the edge of the bed. He felt a thick layer of sweat coated on his forehead,

"What time is it?"


"You kept saying 'please stop' over and over again. I just thought I'd wake you up because whatever nightmare you had it sounded-"

"I didn't have a nightmare alright." His voice sounded sad, even to him.

"Draco it's okay if-"

"Fucking hell- please can you just- I don't need your sympathy- about anything. You don't know me and I don't know you so let's just- just keep the talking to a minimum." He looked back at her, Lily got off the bed and walked round to his side.

Standing there she had his white shirt still on, his eyes slowly shifted to how it came off one shoulder and only two buttons were actually fasten together. Her hair went to it's natural wavy self which he liked, the shirt stopped just so he could see her thigh gap, then he seen the dry blood stain on the bottom of the shirt where he cut her earlier.

Draco stood up after his breathing increased from the tension he felt between them, "Your right I don't know a lot about you and I want to leave it like that too but I do want to sleep so... are you-" her eyes flickered to the bed then back to him.

Lily looked up at him unaware that he had already checked her out. Draco really wanted to grab her and take her back to bed with him but he stopped himself, he really didn't want to get attached. But the way she unintentionally bit her lip waiting for his answer made something inside him flicker.

"Fuck this," he said walking away from lily towards his desk," I need a drink."


It had been a week since the last time lily was with draco that night. She tried to stay away from him as much as possible because she knew he would hurt her some way again and she didn't want that.

Although every lesson they had together, lily always seen him staring intently in her direction. She swiftly looked away whenever he caught her looking straight back at him.

Just before Astronomy and Herbology lesson was over, Charlotte walked over to lily, speaking to her about how many guys have been looking at her in this lesson. This of course brought dracos attention when he heard Charlotte giggling and lily whispering.

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