Chapter 5

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Narrators pov:
"Just please don't tell anyone else about what happened tonight-" lily pleaded

"Are you serious- no we have- we have to do something about that fucking rapist" he let go of lily as he glided his hands through his hair in frustration.

"Please malfoy just leave it. I don't want this getting around Hogwarts- my parents finding out about this too-" Her voice almost broke at the last word,

"Your actually crazy Rose, if I see him- merlin god if I see him near you I'll-" he scoffed as he rolled his tongue on the inside of his mouth.

"Why, why do you have to do anything? Why can't you just leave it" Lily stopped in front of him so he couldn't avoid her eye contact.

"He tried to rape you! I can't just- For fuck sake-" He leaned his back against the wall as he stared at the brown haired girl. "I just care- look it's not something that anyone should have to go through."

"I didn't even expect him to- Nott has always been the type of guy that i could trust- well thought I could trust. Only this year he properly noticed me and when he was kind to me I thought I-"

"Kind?" Draco cut her off as his eyes narrowed to hers.

"Yes kind, I didn't know he was going to be like that towards me- y'know what just call me gullible a thousand times." She looked down at her slim fingers after she glanced a quick look at him eyeing her.

They both paused for a moment, "I've seen so many students look at you already since we've been back at Hogwarts this year-"

"Uh no- no way." She giggled as he tried to convince her.

"I'm serious, I even heard that you got ask out by the weasley twins-"

"Ah so your keeping tabs on me now." She jokingly said as he shook his head,

When they finally stopped laughing, Lily looked at him, "thank you" She shyly spoke

"For what?"

"For this, making me laugh like this after everything." She sweetly smiled at draco

They had a moment of complete silence as his eyes flicked to her dark brown ones, only hearing the music blasting from outside.

"I better go back to my dorm." She suddenly interrupted the tension that was slowly forming between the two.

"Alright yeah I'll- I'll walk you back-"

"No it's okay Malfoy, thank you" She lightly squeezed his forearm as she leaned up on her tip toes to kiss his cheek, she knew things between them were getting too much as the air around her thickened so she quickly pulled away and headed to the door behide him.

she twisted the door handle but before she could fully open it, dracos hand reached out for the wood, slamming it shut.

"Stay with me." He whispered in her ear.

"I- I can't." Her breathing became heavier as She felt his front against her back while he nuzzled his face in her neck.

"Please lily-" Draco gradually wrapped his arms around her waist, pushing her back into his front completely, with no gap now between them she could feel his growing erection against her lower back.

She thought about draco calling her by her first name again, she tried to fight the urges and all her desires that she deeply craved by closing her eyes to focus on her ragged breathing but when she turned around to face him she couldn't stop herself,

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