Chapter 12

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Smacking their bodies against dracos door, neither of them bothered whether or not anyone else seen him sneaking her in his dorm this late at night.

"This fucking door." Draco said through the kisses as he tried to open it.

When they entered draco was already carrying her in his arms, until he carefully dropped her on the mattress below them. He walk towards the door, locking it as he held his wand in his hand.

"Silencio" he said under his breath.

Lily sat up on the bed as draco walked up to her. "Anything that happens tonight, I promise I'm not going to hurt you... well not in a bad way." He whispered softly as he leaned over her with his hands holding either side of her face.

Lily sharply breathed in as she stared up at the blonde boy. "I trust you draco." She confidently said.

"Good" he moved his hands below where her corset was tied.

"Y'know you in this dress tonight- fuck- you looked so beautiful." He mumbled softly as he untied the back of it. Sliding it off so she was only in her underwear, then he took her shoes off for her too.

Making out with him in the bed was even better than it had been against the door. And now he knew what she liked, the moves that made her moan and gasp and sink her fingers into his shoulders.

Draco sat up and smiled down at her, his eyes on her pastel green panties. Lily mentally thanked Abbie for making her buy this matching underwear set when they went to Diagon Alley together.

Then all the thoughts of Abbie and anyone else left her mind as she felt dracos hands touch one particular part of her stomach.

"Here." He spoke as his thumb moved in a circular motion just underneath her hip bone where the hem of underwear rested.

Lily sat up before draco pushed her back down, he leaned over her to get to his bedside table. 

"Draco what are you-"

"You said you trusted me didn't you?" He stopped rummaging through his draws as he stared back at her

"Yes I do but what-"

"Then no questions Rose, ah here it is." Lily finally seen the blade in one of his hands. She swallowed thickly as she stared at the knife rested in his hand.

"You look nervous, you've never played with one of these in the bedro-" he quickly remembered that lily was still new at all of this. She looked some what scared as she shook her head.

"Hey hey look at me- I'm not going to hurt you with this. I just want to play with it for a second. Okay?" He reassured her.

He slowly moved the blade down her stomach. She lightly gasped from the sudden coldness of the blade, lily was surprisingly turned on by the tingling it left her skin. As the knife glided down her stomach dracos soft lips followed the trail, kissing and sucking her.

He stopped as he stared back down at the place he wanted to leave a mark on her. Draco didn't know how she would react to the little pain so he kissed the spot, deeply, before he cut her.

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