Chapter 7

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Lily's pov

"...pathetic existence" Draco slammed the door in Theo's face after he threatened him. He had both his hands in fists, leaning on the wooden door with his forehead against it too. I decided to walk slowly up to him, my hand reached up for his left shoulder. Gently trying to make him turn around to face me.

"Hey, dra- malfoy." Fuck, why did I do that.

"Are- are you okay?" I definitely sounded like an idiot now

Draco harshly breathed in before finally turning to face me, "and this is why your a hufflepuff sweetheart," he whispered with no emotion on his face as he grabbed my chin with his left hand, tilting it up to meet his eyes.

"All just a bunch of fuck ups I swear-"

I jolted my head away from his hand, " I only asked if you were okay, Merlin sakes malfoy, the way your acting all of a sudden- being a dick, calling my house for no reason..." I mumbled under my breath as I turned my heel to collect my pile of clothes on the floor but before I could bend down to pick them up, he forcefully pushed me onto the bed, pinning me down completely as his full body weight nearly crushed me.

"Let me go." I struggled to move my arms as his grip tightened around them.

"Nope I ah think I'll stay like thi-"



"Would you just- please let go, I'm very claustro-"

He wrapped his hand around the back of my neck, pulling all my hair over to one shoulder before leaning all the way down, his lips brushing over my ear, "Then don't speak to me like that, do it again and we'll have problems." He said in an unsettling calm tone as he slowly got off my back.

"You spoke to me like that first-" I moved to the edge of the bed with my eyes looking down to my hands.

"Because I can Rose, now common, get in with me." He patted the side of the bed that was empty.

Narrators pov:

Lily looked over her shoulder at the blonde boy that was staring back at her, waiting for her to get in the duvet cover with him, with no shirt on, Lily's eyes quickly flickered down his chest before looking away, Hoping that draco didn't see that small gaze.

She moved up to him with her hands gliding through her hair away from her face.

"Do you have a hair tie or anything because otherwise my hair will-"

"Whoa Rose, I didn't know you were that eager to suck my di-"

"No I didn't mean- it's not for- stop it-" He laughed as she stuttered, lily tried to laugh it off however she was slowly dying on the inside from embarrassment.

Draco smirked back at her, he knew she was embarrassed from the way she tried to hide her face in her hands.

She laidback into the mattress beside him, giving him enough space between them but before she could understand it, dracos arms wrapped around her torso, bringing her closer to his body until her back sealed to gap between them both.

"Thank you for being so gentle tonight draco." She said softly as her eyelids finally closed, Draco frowned at the affection in her tone, soon realising that he felt a tugging warmth sensation inside his chest from her saying this.

Pushing the feeling away as much as possible as he drifted into slumber.


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