Chapter Two: Grooming

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The two swerve through the trees, barely missing each other when they cross paths. Their new instincts haven taken control the two smell out their pray and close in. Izuku being quite a bit faster than Eijiro pulls ahead and locates the sweet smell.

Izuku is slightly shocked when he realises the delectable smell that made his stomach growl is in fact an injured deer. Eijiro appears not too long after and looks equally as shocked. Taking in a breath the two confirm that this is in fact what they have been hunting.

Izuku licks his lips, slitted eyes zoneing in on the injured animal analysing the best way to take it down. He can't even believe he's even thinking this but the growing hunger in his stomach is pushing his rationality; his humanity aside.

"I've got a plan," Eijiro perks up at this and turns his attention towards the greenette "You stay here and I'll move to the opposite side. I spook it and hopefully it'll head straight for you. If not it's not going to out run us with its bad leg," Eijiro give him a nod "Got it."

Quickly and quietly Izuku makes his way to the opposite side to where Eijiro is hiding. Once in position he leaps out from his hiding spot and what was ment to be a growl to scare the deer turns into a roar. His wings spread out wide and his tail flicks across the ground like a playful cat.

Eijiro's heart swells when hearing one of his mates roars knowing they are a powerful alpha.

Just as he predicted the deer heads straight towards the waiting red head. Once close enough Eijiro pounces onto the unsuspecting animal and tears into it. It's not exactly a clean kill but he got the job done. Soon after Izuku shows up.

The two dig in, ripping flesh and organs out, eating the meat down to the bone. When the two are done they're slightly disgusted with themselves but that was the nicest thing they've ever had. They make work with licking the blood off of their hands and arms. Though both have dried in blood from their transformation earlier.

Izuku leans forward and licks some of the blood away from Eijiro's face. His senses kick back in instantly and his face turns a bright red "I'm so sorry! I don't know why I did that!" He quickly babbles out, hiding his face in his hands.

Eijiro shakes his head to get out of the small trance he's in "No it's okay; I liked it. Wait let me rephrase that, my alpha liked it. But that doesn't mean I didn't!" Eijiro quickly says the last bit. Izuku laughs lightly at the nervous alpha "Here let me fix it," Izuku is frozen to the spot when the red head leans forward and licks some of the blood from his face.

Izuku's inner alpha purrs at the fact his mate is grooming him. So this is what he ment when he said his alpha liked it he thinks to himself. His face heats up again though when his brain starts to function properly and he clicks on what exactly Eijiro just did.

His wings wrap around him to shield his flustered self from the other but the steady thump of his tail next to him reveals his hidden happiness "You're very shy for an Alpha," the red head chuckles. "I get that a lot," Izuku replies, emerging from his wing cocoon.

Before Eijiro can ask any questions he quickly changes the subject "I think we should bring the other two something back to eat," in a flash Izuku is up and trying to sniff something out. The black scaled teen takes the listening approach and picks up the sound of running water "Hey Zuku I think I hear a stream. Can you fish?"

Izuku tries his best to ignore that Eijiro has already given him a nickname "We're about to find out," with that the two make their way towards the sound of water.

Now that their bodies aren't in hunt mode they can properly take in their new soundings. The feeling of the cool grass and dirt beneath their feet is nice and refreshing. Their ears flick at every sound and nose twitch with every smell, taking all the information in. It's kind of a sensory overload and the two boys feel slightly nauseous but they continue forth.

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